Prince charming

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"No no i'm not your prince get away from me!" Shoving himself up he shook as he moved deeper in the cave. His heel kicking back the gold made a load growl leave the monster infront of him making him freeze.

The shadow again casted over as the dragon walked into the cave moving the gold deeper inside. Blocking any escape roots for the teenager. "Prince" The deep voice repeated as the sharp eyes meet Mason.

"I'm not a fucking prince! Let me out!" Mason snapped. Again moving in closer near some coins a hand shot out snatching up the gold chests pulling them away as a load growl shook the cave making Mason trip over himself hitting the ground.

Looking frustrated Mason raised his head"Let me out and I won't touch your stuff!"  He snapped.

Noticing the creature ignoring him to look over the chests in it's circled arms frustrated him. "You speak english? You must you can say Prince just fine!"

Gold eyes looked toward him as they became more rounded. A gust of smoke came out of it's nose as it looked him over. "Prince...charming"

"For the last time I'm not-" Without warning the car sized hand reached grabbing the boy in a tight hold holding his torso down as he is pulled into the view of the bright round eyes.

"Mine"  It growled softly

Mason's eyes widened "Oh hell no!" He hit the fingers trying to pry them off but it only annoyed the larger creature.

Watching the nostrils move closer he closed his eyes only to get....nuzzled?

The feeling of the ruff scales made him shiver as the creature sniffed and nuzzled his hair before dropping him on the pile of gold below.

"Ow!" He held his leg feeling a bruise starting as he looked at the large creature above.

"Mine" It repeated softer looking him over "Prince...Treasure"

"I'm not your-" A growl cut him off as he shut his mouth. Grunting through his teeth he spoke softer. "Look lizard...I'm not into dragons. Go find a chick I got an annoying teacher who be perfect for you" 

Getting a confused look Mason shook his head. "How do I get away from this thin-" He froze as it pet his head softly with a ruff finger. "Mine"

"No I'm not your-" Another growl silenced him as he flinched. This time though the dragon's head was turned looking behind. Not noticing before he could hear his teachers and classmates calling for him. A big grin came on his face before realizing how this could go down.

If this dragon got could easily kill his classmates, Including Elijah.

Police would come eventually but for now...he had no choice.

"Hey!" Mason barked up making the dragon instantly turn it's head. It's eyes rounding as it lowers its head as if it was a child looking at a new toy.

''You uh...follow want your Prince come on" Waving the large creature over he begun back up looking back as he noticed hom much deeper the cave goes. "Let's go big guy"

Without hesitating the dragon followed him deeper and deeper.

Looking behind himself a light appears as a brightly lit room surprised him. Mountains of gold was piled up. Chests and chests piled on and more Jems and jews then he could ever imagine.

Moving in behind him the dragon was able to stretch their wings and walk pass. It climbed the highest pile curling up like a cat on a pillow.

"Wait...this is perfect" A smile came as Mason took the opportunity to turn. A grin played on his face as he continued on running. His eyes seeing the opening to the cave he rushed father. "Almost their almost the-"


''Ugh! What?" Hitting something solid he moved away. His palms lay flat against the once open exit. It was now a wall.

" what? There was an exit! What is happening!?" Banging against the wall his body shook as his eyes looked back to the dragon watching him from a distance.

A confused expression came on the dragon's face.

"Where's the exit!?" Mason yelled as he slammed a fist to the wall.

The massive lizard noticed the door before tilting it's head and giving an answer.

"Prince touch Gold. Dragon choose Prince. Dragon keep Prince. Prince no leave without Dragon. Prince forever cursed"

Mason grew pale as he watched the dragon turn away. A happy tail wag was last seen as Mason looked to the now solid wall.

''Forever cursed..."

Hey guys! Hope you liked the two parter if you want a part 3 just let me know in the comments below. 😀

Again you guys are awesome and thank you guys for the reads I really appreciate it.

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