Too Far

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Warning chapter includes blood and torture of the character.

Chapter may be upsetting for some or younger Readers. Reader discretion is advised
Bare feet ran through the hot grass.

Load voices yelled through the air as the target continues on.

The target's breath grew weaker as her eyes darted in all directions. Trees surrounded her as she continued to run.

A gun shot made her limp as she hit the ground. Blood quickly spilling from her wound as she seen her leg now twisted in an unnatural way.

Groaning in pain she forcefully shoved herself up as she heard heavy footsteps rushing in her direction.

Her nails clawed there way through the soft soil as she desperately moved herself trying to get herself to any spot. Anywhere to hid-

A heavy boot slammed next to her face. A hot pistol moved to her head. Heavy breathing from above assured her she was a dead man.

"You got alot of run in you" A tired laugh followed by heavy breathing hovered above. "I say I respect you are good on your feet but that wound should put you at a disadvantage"

A forceful hand pulled her short hair pulling her torso up meeting with the kneeled down man.

Sweat poured down the face of her capture. An unimpressed look soon replaced his face as more men surrounded the young woman. All holding heavy rifles as they circled her.

"Now sweetie...your gonna tell us where your hiding them or your going to be striped and left for dead" A cold tone left his mouth as the girl continued panting.

"I told you...I'm not apart of should be in my father's of-" Her voice was lost as a gripping hand grabbed her throat.

"It's not we searched every room and it's not"

Her fingers clawed desperately as she gasped for air.

"He never told me...he never told me anything" She gagged

Her eyes grew cloudy as a everything turned black her body grew limp as she collapsed.

"Damn it! She passed out I told you not to shot her leg she's probably in shock" A younger male snapped as he pulled back the gun.

A chuckle left the older man as he stood. "It's fine we can get the plans anouther way. She's as good as dead any-" A sharp sound caught their ears.

All grabbed them rasied their guns as the sound of something running toward them.

"Gordan how far are we from the safe zone?" The leader questioned. Now noticing the larger plants.

The panicked younger man pulled out his gps his eyes growing as he noticed the large gap.

"A good ten miles" His scared eyes met with his leader's.

An angry growl left his lips as his boots turned "Retreat now!"

All followed quickly as the sound of the running moved faster.

Before they knew it one by on a large creature lunged grabbing each man.

Each slammed down or dragged away. All screaming as they disappeared away into the shadows of the massive plants and leaves.

Not to far away the girl layed on the ground her breathing was barely visable as she layed in the open plain.

Her body was still as a large field of darkness came over her.

Bright yellow eyes slanted to ones like serpants landed on her. A long gaze on the helpless body made the massive creature tilt it's head as the eyes molded to a more rounded shape.

It's body moved in examining the girl. Her short blonde hair covered her eyes and neck. Her skin was growing pale as the sight of her wound bleed as the clothes were turning more and more red.

The creature slowly began to cup up and lift the young girl, moving her closer to his now green eyes "What are you?" The creature questioned as it's rounded eyes looked over her wound.

'It's not a rat I just scared thoses pests off' He thought.

"Poor thing...looks like something got you" His nose sniffed over the small discovery before his body turned.

It's long emerald green tail turned as it continued it's way through the massive plants and trees.

"I should be able to heal thoses for you"

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