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"Alright here is my number. I will be calling you as soon as my flight lands tommorow Now you know where he's food is right? And scooper?"

Giving a tired look the older woman raised a brow at the her neighbor.

"Amy. You forget I have had a dog for five years before yours. I know where every thing is" Mabel held her head clearly ready to go back in. 

A nervous look came on her younger neighbor as she held her purse. "And you can't take off his collar"

"I know. This is the fifth time. If your not comfortable with me watching Jr you can get someone else"

"No! No! I trust you" Amy shook her head before noticing the black lab's head pop out from the creaked door.

"He is just a handful and he was never left with anyone but my boyfriend and I...Jr come here bud" Setting her things down the young girl kneeled down on the sidewalk as the year old lab ran to her almost pouncing on her.

A warm smile came on her face as she put his face between her hands. "Jr you be good. I don't want any bad calls you hear me?"

The lab only moved in trying to offer kisses only to be moved away. "Good boy now go to Mabel."

Pointing to the door the lab ran back in starting to play with the miniature poodle inside. "I will see you monday" Amy stood as she turned walking away.

"Kids today...they treat their pets like babies anymore." With a small wave Mabel walked inside smiling softly to the two playing.

"Come on you two, outside" With a happy tone she got their attention as she headed to the back door.

A soft smile came  on her face as she looked at them both. Her eyes noticing the old worn out collar. "This is just about to come off. about we surprise Amy and get you a new one." She gently scratched the Lab's ear as his back paw tapped the hard tile floor.

"I can't let your name tag come off" Offering a sweet smile she got the leashes.

Walking inside the just opening pet store. Mabel struggled as Jr ran to the toy aisle.

"Can I help you?" A male asked as Mabel pulled Jr to her side.

"Yes. I am babysitting my neighbor's lab and his collar is so close to breaking." She gave a sigh as she got a nod.

"One sec I got a red collar that fit him perfect." Turning he headed off to another aisle.

A smile came on her face as she knelt down giving the lab a sit command.

With both sitting for her she gave them both a soft treat and started to unbuckle the old collar and pulled off the name tag.

To her surprise the name tag looked brand new with a garnet colored crystal.

"Hmm...Amy gets this but not a new colla-" Her eyes widened as she jumped back noticing the much larger dog infront of her. Now the size of a great dane.

"Oh my god" She quickly grabbed her poodle backing up as she stood.

To the dog's confusion he stood turning and running to the toy aisle.

"Jr wait!" She stood only to be stopped by the employee. "Found one. We get labs in often-"

"Later! Take my dog!" Giving him her poodle she ran in the aisle as the horse sized dog had a mouth full of toys.

"Jr! Sit! Put that down" She snapped as the dog flinched his tag hitting the wall behind him as his ears flattened.

"Sit! You heard me!" A mad expression clear on Mabel's face only to change as the dog grew bigger he began to look down to her.

Her voice starting to studders as she noticed the dog was starting to take her less seriously.

" you listen need to sit down and-"

Barking caught their attention as a new customer and her corgi started walked in.

As if meeting a new friend the lab ran to the entrance as the owner grab grabbed his dog running outside with giant dog on their tail growing to the size of a small elephant.

"No! Stop!" Mabel ran outside as she watched the dog run down the street noticing the bright colored cars.

"I have to call Amy"

To be continued....

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