The Cemetery

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The sound of the streets began clearing up. A head showed throw the foggy window. A black haired girl eyed the street. "It's ten. Go home" A light hiss left her lips as she frustratedly watched the neighbor kids running around in their costumes.

Pulling up the black gem bracelet she looked again jumping back as a splat hit the glass.

The sour smell made her groan

"Eggs....again." She glared outside.

A couple costumed game characters laughed as the older girl raised her brow. Reaching nearby a grin spread as she quickly lifted the window.

"Be gone brats!" Throwing quickly a hard laugh left her lips as the kids hit the ground as they quickly cried running home to their ruined costumes.

Shutting her window she quickly grabbed a coffin shaped purse before racing downstairs.

"Emily, Huh? Wait where are you off to? Your gonna miss the new movie" A concerned mother walked in the living room holding a spiderweb bowl of candy.

"Cemetery. My friends are meeting me. We are talking about the tattoo we want to get next year." Grabbing a snickers the teen smiled. "Got the twins too only got one window."

"Tattoos are expensive and permit. And good job....'sigh' Jessie said she help clean this year." A tired look came when she peeked back at the blonde sitting on the couch.

"Your girl is the best. See you around midnight" Kissing her mother's cheek she ran out.

Huffing out a breath Emily arrived after ten minutes as the sight of house lights left.

"Micheal! Carrie? Jason?" Walking through a confused. "They left?"

Reaching in her pocket a surprise came as she didn't feel her phone. "Perfect...their just late." Moving her head around she looked over a few tombstones.

"Hmm...Where is she...oh! Here" Jogging through she softly knelt down infront of a certain grave. "Julia. You know I have a special rose for you." Reaching in Emily pulled out a gold and red colored rose setting it on the ground infront of the grave.

"Sorry. They are making theses too expensive. Next time. I'm going to plant my own." A soft laugh left her mouth as she blew a soft kiss.

A tired sigh left her lips as she moved a hand over her mouth.

"Who was she?"

Emily's eyes widened as she jumped up straight. "Who's there?" A sharp tone left her as she held her bag. Her head spun before a soft voice spoke.

"Sorry....I ruined the moment."

The male voice relaxed Emily a bit as she looked around the dark cemetery. "Show yourself. If your here to mourn I understand....but for my safety...I need to see your face."

Her head turned up a bit before her body stiffed again.

A pair of golden eyes eyed her from what seemed from the top of tree but they were so big.

"The hell-"

"It's okay..." A two story silhouette hid in the shadows only showing through fog. A hand almost as big as her moved out making the girl back away. "I damaged my wing...I was flying and this is the only place big enough to hide..."

''Wing..." A mutter left the girl as her body relaxed trying to see what he was hiding.

A view of a raven like wing moved out as a large split was seen as it peeked thru the fog.

"Wh...what happened?"

"A few birds can run into you as your flying...or your face." The soft voice responded.

A look of distrust crossed her face as her hands dropped moving down her wrinkled dress. "My grandmother...Her name was Julia. She passed a few months ago..."

"I'm sorry for your with her?"

A surprised look came as she looked toward the tomb. "Sometimes...didn't much when I was younger, but I like to catch land near here?" A eyebrow raised as she grew a bit more bold.

"Yes...I heal morning I will be fine....your friends are here."



Spinning a group of teens waved her over.

Waving back the girl looked back surprised to see a lone black rose on the ground near her boot.

The silhouette now gone amongst the fog.

"Em come on! We are gonna go see the haunted house before it closes!"

A few blinks before turning Emily lifted the rose. Looking it over before nodding to her friend and running off with them. Feeling the golden eyes watching her as she continued on.

Hey sorry for the long update. Wanted to do a kinda spooky one for halloween. 🎃

You guys make sure to get plenty of candy and watch tons of horror movies!


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