Place to stay

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"My wings are killing me. Anna come on lets just stop for the night you know the planes my notice us"

A male with dark gray hair looked over the ocean below. "We can ask the mere people"

A winged girl stopped just next to him. Wearing a red hoodie having short dark amber hair and red dragon like wings.

Rasing her brow she put a hands out to steady herself. "They may help you your not a fire dragon. They trust earth dragons more....may we could find an island" A nervous expression came on her face.

Rolling his eyes a splash caught his attention. "That's just a myth. Hold on I saw a tail" Flying down just above the water his dark wings settled as he noticed a green haired meremaid under the clear water along some fish.

Making small circles in the water caught the mermaid's attention as a mother and her two twins moved their heads above water. "Can I help you?" A soft smile came on the curious sea creature as her kids matching the same hair shy away behind their mother.

"Hi my name is Cole and this is my travel buddy Anna" Looking upward he waved over the female dragon hybrid as she flew down softly and held her legs up to keep from getting her legs wet

"We have been flying a few hundred miles and need a place to stay. You have a resting area for dragons right?" Cole offered an awkward smile showing off his pointed smile.

"Yes we have a sea volcano, but you will have to speak with our guardian. Let me go catch him before he goes home"

Diving in the ocean the twins follow leaving the two dragons.

Biting her lip Anna turned to the more experienced traveler as he pulled out a bag of chips and offered it to the girl.  "A guardian?"

"Oh right you never did this before. Well a guardian basically checks thru your mental state and makes sure your not going to harm any merepeople." Shrugging simply the two soon notice ripples in the water below them.

Watching the whale sized merman lift his head easily blocking out the setting sun.

Both bowing their head in respect as the guardian raised a brow instantly noticing the scared female.

"Why are you here hybrids?" The bearded mere man questioned.

"We are on a quest to solve a mystery but we need rest in your volcano" Cole answered keeping his head down.  

A simple nod came as a large hand reached and gently lifted Anna in a cupped hand causing her to flinch quickly.

"Be calm child you will be fine. I've been doing this for hundreds of years"

A nervous laugh left as she nodded.

Meeting his large brown eyes she sat still moving her tail to her lap.

Meeting his gaze she felt a rush to the head before was engulfed in a clear bubble.

"You may pass" The giant smiled before letting the bubble move in the water. 

Watching the water surround her her eyes lit up as the ocean creatures look to her with curiosity as they glow in the dark water.

Seeing a large sea volcano below she relaxed as she saw the bubble lower and move her inside as she felt the warmth around her.

" warm..." Laying back she noticed the second bubble as Cole was already fast asleep as his grey wings wrapped around him.

Closing her eyes she slowly drifted off.

Hey guys!

So I know I already posted today but felt the last one was a bit too serious and thought you guys like something a little more chill.

I also want you guys to know I appreciate and love to see you guys read and support my stories even if some can be a little too dramatic or random. 😅

What can I say, sometimes I think something's a good thing to write then don't know what to think later.

Also I will try to post when I can I know I can take awhile to post and I am sorry sometimes I can get serious writers block. Usually because I try to figure out how to have giants and tinies tougher.

You guys have a great weekend and stay safe ❤

See you next time

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