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Yoongi and namjoon went to the park, they saw Irene there and she was calling someone it looks like she was planning to do something.
Hy Irene namjoon called her, she quickly hangs up the call and turned to face them,
She is mad because Jungkook didn't let her close to him or talk to him, she was planned to calm Jungkook and slowly enter his heart, but she got nothing that's why she is mad but she is happy too because she thought that jungkook and Taehyung not any more together.

"What do you want"
Irene Jungkook told us to bring you to the back of the restaurant, he wants to give you a gift, we don't know why his sudden change,

"Really," she said and giggled by her over happiness (she don't know her all happiness was going to end)
Then can we go, I know he will change his mind. I was waiting for this moment for a long time ago and now I got what I want. She was
babbling yoongi was annoyed by her voice he wants to slap her Face but he just smirked and murmured "get ready for your surprise gifts."

Finally, they went to the back of the restaurant. They saw Jungkook was there, his back was facing them.
Namjoon and yoongi said to her they are leaving because they don't want to interrupt their beautiful moment.
Irene was so happy by their this action she thanked them and went to jungkook.

Mmhh jeo- jungkookii she called him by a cute voice ( she thought herself that her voice is so cute and she is a little princess but the reality is her voice is the most disgusting voice and she looks like a devil.)
Jungkook turned to her 'oh Irene I was waiting for you, why did you take so long to came here Jungkook said and pouted. She melted by his new attitude. "Aww I'm sorry kookie it's because of that two idiots"
Wait I will call them I want to ask why did they take too long, I told them to bring you here as fast but they disobeyed, so they will get their punishment.
It's ok kookie leave it, now I'm here.
Mmm, actually why did you call me she asked shyly and looking to the floor.
I'm sorry baby I know that you love me so much, it's been so long you start to love me I don't know how many years but I'm sorry for not noticing your true love,
It's fine kookie now you realised my true love it's fine for me.
It's all because Taehyung if he never came between us I never notice your love we will thank him for this.
Yeah but I can't kookie he is a bitch, you know he always tortures me and harassing me you know when he is with you he always acts like an innocent little boy but he is a devil Irene said and fake cried, he said to me why he is with you because he wants everyone look him jealously he wants everyone's attention he was thinking himself he is the worldwide handsome man but actually, he lives disgusting she was talking so many bad things to Taehyung, Jungkook's blood boiling by hearing this stupid words.

Just ignore that and now close your eyes Now I will give you something Jungkook said
She quickly closed his eyes she was expecting a kiss, she felt the hot breath came close to her she was ready to kiss him and she felt something on his lips she kissed but then she realised it's not Jungkook's lips she opened her eyes she wiped her lips and omitted.
What baby don't you like my gift Jungkook said and through it the frog on her face, she screamed then she noticed there is someone too.
His friends are here Taehyung too.
She got mad and embarrassing, why Jungkook you did this to me she yelled
Ohh sorry, bitch it's not my idea to give this amazing gift to you, this Idea created by Mr Park Jimin I'm proud of you shorty, she glared at Taehyung
Now the time for the real gift. She got a strong slap on her right cheeks his fingers are visible on her cheeks. How dare you bitch to do something to my relationship, what are you thinking about your self. You hurt my baby you talk about bad things to him and you torture him she got another slap for her right cheeks.
Tears were dropping her eyes, Jungkook gripped her hair don't you think to hurt him if you do that you know me well, you will no longer in this world you understand bitch.
And you are no longer in my college.
Tae come here and gives back her what she gives to you, We do not need the generosity of someone's so give it back to her baby.
With a second Taehyung slapped her face and gripped her hair you only know the innocent and poor Taehyung you don't know me well bitch, if you dare to do something I will cut your tung and kill you brutally you understand what I mean slut so don't come again our life. Taehyung said and pushed her on the floor and they left. Jungkook was hugging Taehyung protectively,
Now everything is fine so guys tomorrow is our last day on this trip so we will give you the party, did you forget I promised you to give you the treat because we won the project so ready tomorrow we can enjoy it. Jungkook said and all of them cheer up. Everyone went to their room to sleep.

You will regret Jeon Jungkook what you did to me, and you Kim FUCKING Taehyung get ready..........


I lost my IG account so I created a new one @ lolitas_ _idiot

I lost my IG account so I created a new one @ lolitas_ _idiot

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My new edit hopes you will like it.
(Not perfect)

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