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I barely slept last night the thoughts of being away from my parents made me restless. They are leaving for America today, so I woke up early. It will be my first time living alone, as my parents were always around me but now my mind was full of disturbance, & worries.

now you are a young man, so you can live alone. and study well that's is a good gift for your parents. enjoy your college life. so they can proud to say  that Kim Taehyung is our son."
I said to myself to feel calm.

It's my second day at college But I decided to go to the airport with my parents and then quickly leave for college

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It's my second day at college But I decided to go to the airport with my parents and then quickly leave for college. so I took a bath got the dress and went downstairs to see my parents with luggage.

My dad gave me a warm smile and said "We can go now". I avoided eye contact with them, I am still very sad about them leaving.
They both gave me tight hug and kissed me on the cheeks. I wanted to show them that I am strong so they won't worry about me.
"I am okay mom, dad. Don't worry about me.! You two forget that I am a young man now. I can live alone. Just don't worry much I will call daily."
They both smiled & said "okay young man, we understand"

Then we left for Airport.
We reached there in 20min ride, there wasn't much traffic in morning and airport wasn't that far from my new home. As I said goodbye to my parents, my dad said "Tae don't worry you can call me anytime. You should study well as always. And if you feel lonely call me, I will tell your grandparents to come to your apartment, I will miss you tae, I don't want to leave but I don't have any choice. take care of yourself taetae. and good luck with your studies." and he softly kissed me on the forehead.

I turned to my mom to give her a quick hug and say goodbye.
she kissed me on the cheeks and said "Tae bear, Mom's Lil bean, Don't forget to call me every day. This is the first time
I am leaving you alone. I'm gonna miss you baby"
she couldn't speak anymore as her eyes filled with tears.
she gave me another tight hug.
I hugged them again and told them that I am really gonna miss them.

my dad called the college to informed me that I will be late.
I quickly got into the car and start to cry, it's hurt me so much, but I want to stay strong for them, the driver took me to college.

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