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_____________Flash back___________

jeon we are going ,You gave your note to complete everything .
We know Taehyung very smart so he will finish writing today. So let's hand over our notes to someone else and try to complete them. namjoon and yoongi said that and went outside.

"You know namjoon I have a crush on Jimin. So I would write my notes with him and then get closer to him. Then I will propose to my jimini! How is my plan". Yoongi asked!

" Hey yoongi , This is exactly what I thought." namjoon said.

"What....??? You...you.. have crush on my jimin??? "

"Hey yoongi Noo No I don't like that shorty"......!

"Don't call him like that stupid name .
I will kill you bitch". Yoongi gritted his teeth!

"Ohh ok.. ok ! Actually I like jinni"

"What you like that Joker.. omg hahahaha... "

"Shut up you bitch, I'm going! namjoon said angrily and left"

Yoongi searched a lot but could not find Jimin here either. So yoongi thought that jimin had not come to college today. So he turned to take a cooldrink from the canteen. He didn't see Jimin standing behind him and he turned quickly So the cooldrinks in his hand went to jimin's dress. As jimin fell to the ground, suddenly yoongi grabbed his strong hands around his waist.When the canteen cook saw now Jimin, he thought it was a tomato and took him away. because if Anyone who sees him now will feel like a shy tomato. yoongi helped him stand up and wiped his uniform and asked "are you okay"
Jimin replayed by shyly " uh mmh"
"Can you help me to complete my notes? "Yoongi looked into his eyes and asked.
Jimin noded quickly like a red tomato.
yoongi's control is gone and he seems to be biting the tomato in front of him. But finally His control was gone..
yoongi went straight and kissed jimin!
But soon the jimin went into shock because of this sudden action of yoongi. And finally jimin join to kiss yoongi....

____ yoonmin Flash Back Ended____

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____ yoonmin Flash Back Ended____

Taehyung saw they kissed
passionately! So he quickly went back to class. He asked to jhope and chae "where is jinni?"
"They said they didn't know"!

_________namjin flash back__________

_________namjin flash back__________

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Where is my jinni....
What a perfection our names ,
Ugh perfect couple's. Then we can name our baby Kim namjin 🤭 OMG Kim family. Namjoon said him self and giggle.
I saw Jin talking to someone else. Then something comic's showing up and laughing. Aww What a cute his childish behavior.
"Hey Jin come here " I called him softly.!
He came to me and asked "w...h...a..t..?
Are you free Jin?..
" No I'm expensive" he said and giggle.
But suddenly I laughed...ohh okay okay...

"Tell me why you called me?" he asked.

Can you help me to complete my notes?

I will not help anyone just like that.
I helped you. Tell me what you bought for me?"

Tell me what you want and I'll buy it.

"Ohh really? I want two ice cream ugh Noo noo three ice cream and some spicy food & Something else..."

Ok done. If you come with me this Sunday, I will buy you everything you need.

"Really?? I will definitely come and he giggle in happiness."

So see you later. I Said and then left.

Jin thought 💭 wow ! I think he's calling me for dating , OMG I'm
so happy..... He will buy whatever
I want.... omg .....omg 💭

jin ran away and told his friends everything that had happened

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jin ran away and told his friends everything that had happened .
Jimin also told his friends everything that had happened
Jimini you kissed that Meow meow omg hahhahha Taehyung and jhope laughed waidly...
And you jinni go on a date with that namjoon omg hahhhaa......
They were all laughing at what had happened to their friends.
But suddenly all their laughter was lost..

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