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After 6 years,

Nandini had left Mumbai and was now living in Delhi. She had become a successful businesswoman. With her hard work and dedication, she took her company, Colours and Smiles Pvt. Ltd., to great heights. Her company was one of the leading companies and she had also been nominated for the best businesswoman of the year award.

Nandini- Aadu come here and finish this, I don't want to listen to any excuses.

Nandini called out her little princess, Aadhya.

Aadhya- its full of vegetables, I can't have this, I will fall ill due to this tasteless food.

Nandini- Ms. Aadhya Malhotra behave yourself and finish this right now otherwise no games for one week!

Aadhya (sweetly)- Please mom, Can I get something else?

Nandini (sternly)- these puppy eyes won't work this time. I want this to be finished right away.

Aadhya- ok I am having it

After finishing the food, they headed to the bedroom to sleep.

Aadhya- good night mom

Nandini- good night Aadu, now sleep, you have school tomorrow.


On the other side, Manik was completely a new person now. For half of the day, he kept himself busy in work and for the other half, he drowned himself in alcohol, his companion after Nandini left him.

Manik's room,

Nyonika- Why didn't you come down for dinner?

Manik- its been six years, and still you are asking the same question.

Nyonika- what have you turned yourself into, this is not my son.

Manik- not now please mom!

Nyonika- then when? Manik I am saying this again just forget about Nandini, she didn't deserve you.

Manik- Please mom, stop this. You know what, you are right, Nandini didn't deserve a monster like me. I regret that moment the most when I had asked her to leave me. I should have listened to her for once, I should have trusted her. My darkness snatched the light of that innocent soul.

Nyonika- She has gone Manik and will never comeback, so move on. I have found the perfect girl for you and our family. She will keep you happy. Please meet her once.

Manik- I have said this hundred times, I don't want to marry anyone. Now, please can you leave me alone. And one more thing, I have to go to Delhi for a few days to attend the business awards so I will be leaving tomorrow morning.




Grand Petals Hotel,

Manik- Mr. Sharma, what time is the function?

Mr.Sharma- It will commence at 7pm Sir.

Manik- Okay you may leave now, I will directly see you at the function's venue.

Nandini's place,

Nandini- Navya please take care of her!

Navya- of course, you don't worry Aadu and I will have a lot of fun. Now go or else you will get late for the award function.

Nandini- ya okay, bye Aadu, Take care princess.

Aadhya- Bye mom, all the best.

Nandini- thank you my baby!

Function's Venue,

Nandini- Finally the day is here, Aiyappa please be with me, I want to make my Aadu proud!

She entered the venue and started to interact with the other guests.

Man- Hello, Ms. Murthy!

The sudden greeting startled her and she turned to look at the owner of the voice. There stood a moderately tall man, dressed in an impeccably crisp black colored suit. She recognized the man as Rohan Kapoor, the son of the renowned industrialist, Vidyut Kapoor.  Although, Nandini wasn't getting any good vibes from the man who stood right in front of her but she didn't want to come across as rude by ignoring his greeting, so she replaced the frown that had settled on her forehead with an affiliative smile, and greeted him back in a polite manner.

Nandini- Hello to you too, Mr. Kapoor

Man- Oh you can call me Rohan, there is no need to be so formal.

Rohan Kapoor: the son of one of the leading Industrialists, Mr. Vidyut Kapoor. He is a womanizer and lives his life on his father's cash, a good for nothing, spoiled brat.

Nandini- well, I like it this way only.

Rohan- Not a problem at all, we will go with whatever this gorgeous lady wants. Anyways, I had seen your picture in a business magazine and I had thought that how could someone look so pretty but well, you look even more beautiful in reality.

Nandini(feeling uncomfortable)- Thank you Mr. Kapoor. I will take your leave now.

Nandini started to walk away but her foot got stuck in a mattress and she was about to touch the floor when two strong arms held her from the waist. She slowly opened her eyes only to be met by a pair of dark and lusty eyes staring at her. She immediately straightened herself up.

Rohan- be careful Ms. Murthy, anyways I don't mind saving you every time you fall.

Nandini(sternly)- No thank you Mr. Kapoor, that won't be required.

Nandini turned and left to settle on her seat.

Nonetheless, this whole scene was noticed by a pair of orbs which were emitting fire now. If a glare could kill, then Mr. Rohan Kapoor would have died a hundred deaths till now.

Manik (to himself)- how dare he touch her.

Manik (shouts in anger)- Sharma I want every single detail about Mr. Rohan Kapoor, you have 5 minutes. Hurry up, time is running!

Mr.Sharma(nervously)- Ok Sir.

Within 5 minutes, Manik's phone rang and he smirked listening to the other person.

Manik(whispers to himself, smirking)- Rohan Kapoor, you didn't do right by setting your dirty eyes on my Nandini, your end is near!

Manik went and settled just behind Nandini, in a way that Nandini's back was facing him.

Host- ok so now it is the time for the much-awaited award now, The award for best businesswoman and businessman of the year. And this award goes to Ms. Nandini Murthy and Mr. Manik Malhotra.

Nandini got the biggest shock of her life on listening to Manik's name. It felt like someone had knocked the air out of her lungs and had thrown a bucket full of cold water straight on her face....



Here is the second chapter! Hope you liked it!!



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