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With this, both of them headed towards Nandini's room.

Nandini looked at Manik with raised eyebrows.

Manik- what? stop staring.

Nandini- what do you think you are doing in my room?

Manik- I have come here to sleep.

Nandini(shouted)- what?!

Manik covers her mouth with his palm.

Manik- why are you over reacting? I slept here yesterday night as well. You didn't realise because I slept after you and woke up before you.

Nandini's jaw was touching the floor on discovering this new information.

Manik- shut your mouth, I slept on the couch.

Nandini- thank god, you have some shame left!

Both of them took their clothes and went towards the bathroom.

Nandini- excuse me, I need to change.

Manik- excused, but same here. I need to change too.

Nandini- so you change outside.

Manik- instead of telling me to do that, you should adhere to your advice.

Nandini- No way Manik, I am a girl. I'll change inside the washroom.

Manik- well, I never said that you aren't a girl. And, no I will use the washroom.

Nandini- but I can't change here. What if you come out when I am in the middle of chan

Manik(cuts her)- oh come on Nandini, what's there to hide? I have seen everything.

Unknowingly, blush covered Nandini's cheeks and she lowered her eyelashes. Manik realised what he just said and cleared his throat to get over the awkwardness.

Manik(hesitantly)- umm, you can go, I will change after you.

Nandini ran inside the washroom without sparing another glance to him.

After changing, Nandini lied on the bed and Manik on the couch. Nandini noticed that Manik was shifting uncomfortably on the couch as he was too tall to fit in there.

Nandini- Manik, I can take the couch today as you slept there yesterday. You can come and sleep on the bed.

Manik- No Nandini, it's fine. I don't want to create any trouble for you.

Nandini- I will be fine on the couch as well, but clearly you are not even fitting in there so please don't argue and come on the bed otherwise you will have pain your back tomorrow.

Manik- This couch is hard to sleep on and I remember how hard mattresses cause you back pain so let me be here.

Nandini smiled at his concern.

Nandini- ok so let's do one thing. I'll sleep on the right side of the bed and you can take the left side. We will make a wall of pillows in between.

Manik got up and shifted to the bed. They kept cushions in between to mark their territories and lied down on their respective sides.

Nandini- Don't think that I care or something, it's just I don't want my daughter to be sad on knowing that her father won't attend the PTM because of having pain in his back.

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