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Manik(in disbelief)- what did you just say? You knew that the tea had poison?

Nyonika didn't reply. There was a painful silence which made Manik burn in rage. He bellowed,

Manik- Speak up right away Mrs. Malhotra.

Nyonika- yes, I knew it because I was the one who had mixed that poison. You only tell me, what would I have done when you were not ready to listen to a word against Nandini. And I just wanted you to be safe and happy and for that it was necessary to make Nandini away from you.

Manik felt betrayed. His heart silently shattered into innumerable glass pieces. These sharp pieces were hurting him badly.

On the other hand, Nandini too was shocked to know this. She had not even expected it in her wildest dreams that the woman, to whom she gave the place of her mother, could do this to them. She didn't know what wrong she had done to receive so much hatred from Nyonika.

Manik's hand fell from Nandini's grip while he murmured still trying to process the events that had happened in the blink of an eye,

Manik- how could you, you misused my love, my trust.

Nyonika- Manik, try to understand whatever I did was for your happiness. How can you doubt your mother's intention?

That was it for him. All his patience and pain was long gone, now the only emotion that was prominent was his anger. He balled his fingers to a fist and drove them through the wall right beside him.

Manik- I don't want to hear anything else.

He roared like a wounded beast.

Nyonika- I knew it, I so knew it that this girl would snatch away my son from me. Today, you are fighting with your mother for that cheap gi

Every ounce of respect that he had for his mother had now been crushed with brutality.

Manik(interrupts and shouts)- enough, stop it just stop it. Nandini was and will always be the ONLY perfect girl for me. You know what, if someone is to be blamed for ruining my life then it's you Mrs. Nyonika Malhotra. You kept me away from my family, from my wife, from my daughter for six years, do you even understand, for SIX YEARS. You snatched the biggest happiness of my life. It was because of you that I lost the chance of being with Nandini when she was pregnant and to see my baby take birth. I lost the chance to hold my baby in my hands the day she was born. And today also it will be because of you that my daughter will not recognise me and treat me as a COMPLETE STRANGER. I just don't want to talk about this anymore. You enjoy your life alone in that mansion because I am not returning back to you.

Nyonika(shocked)- but son

Manik(interrupts)- you have lost the right to call me your son. And ya, you do not have to worry, I will be financing all your expenses and will take care that you do not face any problem because you are my father's wife, and I respect that, but it will be better for you, if you do not keep any expectations beyond that. GET THIS STRAIGHT, DO NOT COMMIT THE MISTAKE OF TRYING TO CONTACT ME, OTHERWISE I WILL BE COMPELLED TO FORGET THAT YOU ARE MY FATHER'S WIFE. And before you start with your 'you care for me' drama, LET ME WARN YOU ABOUT THIS, DO NOT EVEN TRY TO THINK ABOUT MY GOOD, WITH THAT GOOD-FOR-NOTHING BRAIN OF YOURS EVER AGAIN. GOODBYE, I hope that we never ever cross each other's path, otherwise it won't be good for you.

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