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Living Room,

Manik, Nandini and Sanket had occupied the couch whereas Meera and Ashi were standing before them.

Meera- okay so it's fun time.

Sanket- Mee who do you think we are, some five year old kids attending a friend's birthday party?

Meera- Sanku yaar, please let me speak atleast.

Ashi- you leave it, I will explain.

Meera gaped at her best friend while Ashi royally ignored her expressions.

Ashi- So we are here to play a super fun and popular game, Truth and Dare! Just one rule will be changed, the person towards whom the cap of the bottle points will be choosing truth or dare but the question or dare can be given by any other person, not necessarily by the one towards whom the bottom of the bottle is.

Manik- you guys continue, its too cliched. I don't want to play.

Meera stepped towards Manik,

Meera- oh come on Manik, please you have to play this, for me.

Manik looked at her raising an eyebrow when something struck his mind, it was time to take action.

Manik- okay, anything for you.

Nandini shifted uncomfortably while hearing their conversation. Sanket looked at her and stood up,

Sanket- so let's start

They decided to shift towards the pool side, where a bonfire was arranged for them. While all of them were moving towards the pool side, Meera clutched Sanket's hand and dragged him to a deserted corner.

Meera- Sanket, Nandini is Manik's ex wife who he still loves. They have a daughter as well and I am helping him to get back with her so please stop flirting with her otherwise even I won't be able to save you from Manik's anger.

Meera said all this in a single breath staring at the marble tiles. She looked up after hearing her brother saying,

Sanket- Bingo

Meera- what!?

Sanket- I so knew it Mee, that there's definitely something behind the hot chemistry they shared. I was just scared for you thinking that you have fallen for a guy who loves someone else.

Meera- it's nothing like that, it was anyways supposed to be an arranged marriage and I had agreed only for dad's sake. But now its a plan, even Dad and Ashi know about it. We are helping Manik to

Sanket completed her ssentence,

Sanket- to make Nandini jealous so that she confesses. Am I right or am I right?

Meera nodded her head.

Sanket- okay but don't tell Manik that I know about it. What, stop staring! It's fun to see that guy jealous when I talk to Nandini.

Meera- stop risking your life!

Sanket- chill Mee, and Nandini is my new friend so I am in team Nandini, not that I will encourage her to kick Manik's ass,

Meera(interrupting him)- language Sanku

Sanket- okay okay, so as I was saying I won't tell her to kick his ass, excuse me as I can't find better words as I am sure he must have committed some serious mistake in the past as Nandini looks like an understanding girl so she won't be so angry at him without any reason. But I will help her to realize that she still does love him.

Meera shook her head in disbelief.

Meera- it will be better if you do nothing.

Sanket- sorry sis, but that's not happening.

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