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Hello! Look who's here with a surprise update!!

Third update in two days,not bad. To be honest majority of the credit goes to you guys for motivating me through you votes and comments. Thank you!

A humble request, please  DO VOTE, COMMENT AND FOLLOW if you are liking the story. Also, please vote for the previous chapters as well, if you haven't done that yet.

Once again, thanks for all the support❤

Happy Reading!


Nandini flinched at his tone but as she realised what he said, her eyes widened and her stomach twisted. Shock would be an understatement to describe the emotion she was going through. She pushed him away with all her force due to which he stumbled backwards. She raised her eyes and directly stared into his brown orbs. Her eyes held a look of utter disbelief.

The next words left her mouth on their own accord,

Nandini- What do you mean by saying that I hid it from you? I had come to you and you had told me to leave, you said that you do not accept the baby as yours.

Her voice cracked towards the end but she kept taking deep breaths to calm herself. Her poker face irked Manik and he screamed,

Manik- Have you lost it Nandini! It was ten minutes back that I got to know that I am a father to a five-year old girl.

Nandini couldn't believe her ears. Everything started to get hazy. Her vision turned blurry and she felt dizzy. Her head felt too heavy and it seemed like her lungs had stopped functioning. Black spots covered her vision and she lost her balance. Before she could fall, her hand subconsciously took the support of the chair placed next to her. Gradually, her head stopped spinning but the throbbing was still there. A tiny drop of tear tickled her cheek and she whispered in sheer disbelief,

Nandini(mumbled)- He didn't know about Aadu.

Manik looked at her only to find her standing taking the support of the chair and sobbing. He took a step towards her. He raised his hand to hold her chin and lift her face. She looked into his eyes and it pinched his heart to see his angel in such a broken state. He cursed himself for acting in such an impulsive manner and for once again being the reason behind the tears that were uncontrollably streaming down her face. He wiped off her tears from his thumb and caressed her rosy cheeks to calm her down. He leaned towards her and butterflies made its way to her stomach when she felt a soft and warm touch of his lips on her forehead. He let his lips linger there for a minute and then took a step back. Although, Nandini would never admit but his forehead kisses still had the power to calm her down like nothing else ever could.

Manik(gently)- What were you saying about me not accepting the baby?

Nandini just looked at him with tears in her eyes. She wanted to tell him so many things but not a single word left her mouth. Manik lightly caressed her cheek with his thumb and tucked the hair strands resting on them, behind her ears. He looked into her now swollen eyes and said,

Manik(softly)- speak up Nandini!

Nandini took a deep breath. She needed that long breath not only to share the truth with Manik but also to handle his touch that was unknowingly creating a havoc inside her.

Nandini(still sobbing)- Manik, when Aadu was two-months old, I had come to Malhotra Mansion along with her to meet you, to tell you that we had become parents, to tell you that god had blessed us with a little fairy but (pauses)

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