Nostalgia hits you hard ❤️

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Shravani's POV:

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Shravani's POV:

I stepped out of the car and my throat filled up at the sight of the place which had my entire childhood and teenage...
It's a hard hard nostalgia that hit me right in my face...

This place had it all...the old Neem tree ...the seat near that Neem tree...the rose and hibiscus garden. The aloe vera plants and the cactus plants in the other corner...
The breeze from the marigold plants...
The smell from the Nagchampa tree that would keep this apartment always so fragrant was all the same.

When the smell hit my nose I closed my eyes and breathed a bit more.
Deeper breaths and I could still here our gang giggling in the shuttle court...

Shonali, Chetana, Nivedita, Ritika, Rishika, Gogi, Danish... Playing cards on the open terrace of Purvi Apartments...

Yet that one pair of eyes digging my soul!!!
Spine chilling !!!
Just then I felt a touch on my shoulder and I opened my eyes only to meet the same pair of eyes and it's burning gaze...

Just that now he's much more muscular and a beardo. But those dark brown eyes spoke beyond words...

'Shall we go?' he asked and I nodded.

I don't know how right it was for me to come back here. But I was welcomed by Shonali and Shreyansh her husband who have shifted in this apartment for a few days as Shonali's mom wasn't keeping well and Shreyansh's family is in London. So they were staying here for a few months. Rishika in Dubai post her marriage. Rithika was here. I was told Danish and Chetana are getting married. We took the elevator to B Wing instead of A Wing.

'But my house' words died in my mouth realising now I'm married to him so I would stay in his house. It was a little uncomfortable. The elevator stopped at 5th floor and we got down.

I had been to his house before to call Rithika for our dance practice although because of our uncomfortable equation I couldn't gather the guts to go inside. But today this house was empty. It only had him staying here probably.

I was about to go inside while I was stopped by Prisha aunty Shonali's mom who made us stand together and warded off evil using some red chillies. Kept a glass full of rice on the step of the house and asked me to kick it. I did the same and entered the house. She made us eat sweets. She even guided me to kitchen and made me boil milk and finally said ..

'I never thought I'll be the one to make you do these rituals Shravani but your dad's death, Sattu's parents death over the years...there weren't anyone else so Rubi told me to do this for you both as she wasn't aware of our customs and rituals.' I looked at aunty and smiled.

Soon Rithika came and hugged me.
'Im so happy are I know Bhai will atleast eat his meal on time' she tried to be as gentle as possible yet it was awkward. Reason being Rithika knows our equation from childhood. She pulled me along with her to balcony.

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