Two bodies one soul 💕🔥- Part 2

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Shravani's POV:

Morning rays of sun were playing a peek-a-boo from the wooden blinds trying to hide the sharp rays of sun making my husband of a beast snuggle his face more into my chest and I chuckled.

I moved my fingers slowly raking through his scalp and silky soft lush hair and I smiled when he tightened his grip on my waist covering my entire bare back crushing me inside the duvets and I tried but couldn't control my laughter but next minute he pinched me on the flesh next to my belly button and I jumped in frustration yelping a 'ouchhhhh' and in reaction to it all I heard from him in a lazy husky voice was...

'Next my teeth with replace those fingers and a pinch would be replaced by a bite Biwi... don't laugh at me... although yeah if this is the warmth you give me I can sleep all day all night long like this with you' and I hit his shoulders to which all he did was cover the duvet until his head and snuggled more into my chest...

Such a baby he is!!!

I didn't argue with this posessive dominating husband of mine, secretly I also loved this warmth and wanted to steal some more from him. So I simply closed my eyes and lied down for a few more hours and when the sunrays continued beaming with a higher intensity I gave up.

My man was snoring like a lion and I giggled at that thought...I slowly got out of his hold and looked for a towel and I found one in his cupboard. I went to the washroom and was happy to see a shower. I wasn't expecting a geiser here but luckily the sun did the job and the water was warm. I cleaned myself up.

Although I wasn't a virgin I was doing this after years and we were pretty high on hormones last night and I felt a little sore and tired but I was smiling.

Nope!!! Glowing!!!

I covered myself with the towel and began checking for my clothes which were still wet, muddy. Wonder what we did last in the shed. Goshhh!!!!
So I began digging his cupboard and luckily found a white shirt and pants. I wore the shirt and I was drowning in it. It reached my knee-length. I giggled seeing how his shirt as well wanted to swallow me.

I was smiling at that thought while standing infront of the little mirror still rubbing my damp hair with the towel is when I heard a whistle from behind!!!

'Phew Phewwwwwwww' and my eyes popped out. I saw my 'Mr Oh So excited' husband was up leaning his body towards the headboard. Duvet now covering only his lower and his broad chest was all for a nice view for me...

Indeed Good morning!!! I rolled my eyes at my sly naughty brains making all these dirty thinking!!!

'Well I never knew my shirt would be so lucky some day...if this is how you look Biwi...I am going to burn your luggage as we reach home and you are only wearing my shirts in our house' he said and I threw the wet towel on his face and shouted...


To which he chuckled and got up and realising he is in his birthday suit I quickly turned around to which he chuckled more saying

'Oh come on Biwi... there's nothing that you haven't seen now so please...' and I was a ripe cherry right now!!!

'Sattu you have turned shameless overnight!!!' I screamed shutting my eyes tightly but next minute I felt his warm breath on the nape of my neck and I heard him say those words which brought so many memories alive...

'Only for you Shravu... Only for you'

and he left a sweet kiss on my neck as I smiled and blushed more. I heard the washroom door shut but I kept smiling. I walked towards his little kitchen and began toasting breads and started stirring coffee with a spoon while my thoughts drifted down our memory lane...

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