The first touch🔥 memories

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Satyendra's POV:

We kept driving back home from the Neela hill. My Jeep kept talking to the winds even on the bumpy hilly roads...crossing by the green estates of Coonoor we were finally on our way back home. There was immense silence after the moment I shared with Shravani after years...

She was facing the green estates...her scarf was flying high at times touching my face and shoulders...her sweet fragrance was raising a storm inside my chest!!! I was trying to ignore all the emotions rising within...I didn't want more complications in this 'namesake' marriage which knew no destination!!! It is like we both are walking together yet without being together on a road which has only darkness and nothing else...

But then this place, these farms, the apartment we stay, her being with me...was unknowingly trying to churn out old memories's like I'm trying to skim out every lacing memory off my brain but like a layer of cream it begins to appear time and again like it is mocking me...

And looks like my fate and the almighty up there as well is enjoying this drama trying to reinstate the same situations...
The bee sting thing...
Fuck I ended up calling her 'Shravu' today...
I raked my fingers in my beard and hair recalling how I got carried away.... and last night I made the onion fritters and tea for her... bloody my nerves to do that!!! Why am I doing's like I don't have control on my mind!!!
Fuck I'm annoyed!!!

I took a deep breath and again loose end of her scarf touches my face...but this time she quickly turns around and removes it off my face and mumbles a 'sorry' and my heart beats increase just at the feel of her scarf and her fingers being so close to my face...

She turned around again and kept looking at the lush tea plantations while I kept eyes slightly fell on her exposed shoulder that had a swollen mark due to the bee sting.

I tried to keep calm but I knew she had extremely sensitive could I forget how it happened and escalated last time...

Flashback begins...

'Dad what should I do coming there... Neelakurinjis are still budding...I have heard from Sekharan Anna...why do you want me to go to the hill' I asked and my dad smiled saying...

'Oh Come on's beautiful... and I want you to meet Mr Khanna as well...I am the major supplier of the seeds and most of their gardens... Just like how we have Pearl Valley estate...they also have the Shine Valley estate. Infact he is a much more reputed, richer man yet is extremely humble... tomorrow you will have to take over this business from me may have to work with Mr Khanna closely...he is a good man...and come on how many more years you have 2 more??? And you will finish your graduation...I expect you to assist me sooner as possible...Your father is getting older Sattu...I don't know when will angels take me' dad said while I shot him a strong look.

'Why do you say that' I shouted at him and he chuckled and hugged me saying...
'Life and Death are not in our hands Sattu...I couldn't stop your can't stop me as well' he said and I pulled him in a stronger hug...

' son is a beast...looks like all that Thalappakatti biryani is showing its true form now hannnn' dad said and I smiled saying 'I still prefer the Ambur biryani better' and dad chuckled. He sure knew to manipulate me...and I loved being manipulated by him. He was my only family other than my sisters...I don't want to loose him after loosing mom.

When I was in the parking area waiting for dad to get the car out I was standing there talking on my mobile as Kanishka had called me the 10th time in an hour asking me if I'm joining for the movie plans...Thalaiva's new movie 'Chandramukhi' had released and shows were running housefull... with a lot of difficulty they had managed getting tickets for the movie...I wanted to go but dad's sudden plans to Neela Hills and everything jumbled up...

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