The seasonal reunion 💠

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Shravani's POV:

Shravani's POV:

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Neela Hill...
The memories associated with this hill are immense...
So many childhood memories...
Dad and I used to come here to see the plantations of the famous Neelakurinji... Blue blossoming beauty.

I have seen them being planted from childhood but saw them blossom only once in my life...

Nothing here has changed...
Rubbing my palms together I looked at the beautiful kurinji buds.

Rubbing my palms together I looked at the beautiful kurinji buds

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They were still to bloom. I had a smile on my face while the fresh breath of cold chill air made my hair fly and my scarf was flying in air. I held it tight and wrapped it around my shoulders.

I had a smile on my face looking at the little buds. They take a lot of time to blossom. The wait is longest but not every kurinji survives. It hurts to see years of hardwork at times by our farmers going for a toss. At times they die in 3-7 years time. It's like raising your own baby so there's immense respect for these Kurinji farmers. They really have the patience to keep up with this loss. We can pay them for their job but not for their love and dedication.

We had various varieties of kurinjis here. I kept walking carefully around the hilly terrains while I heard Satyendra...

'Doc... This way' he called out and I turned around. I walked in the direction and there was a small house there. I smiled looking at it.

'Omg this house is still here... ' I chuckled.

He had a wide smile on his lips. He simply nodded.

We walked inside and I was welcomed by a few people. A middle aged man, his wife and a elderly couple. They seemed like a family.

'Ummm Doc this is Muthhaih...he heads the plantations' Satyendra introduced me to him and the middle aged man folded his hands and I smiled back and folded my hands.

'They stay here...I mean it's not easy to travel in and around always so I had offered him and his family to stay here
..and the other farmers stay in the houses downhill but Muthhaih and a few others stay here...' Satyendra explained.

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