Scary girlfriends are compared

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Will looked to where Keefe was sitting among the rest of the boys (minus Alex; Annabeth's cousin had come with one of his friends), watching Percy and Jason sparring with their marshmallow sticks with a smile. Keefe had become a part of the group in the two days and one night that he had been there.

Sitting between him and Nico, Will began listening to the new conversation. The others were comparing their scary girlfriends, who were laughing at a joke one of them had said a few feet away, and out of earshot.

Frank said in a slightly nervous tone, "Hazel is really good at magic."

Jason shot back, "Piper can literally control people with her voice."

Percy smiled and said, "Annabeth is absolutely fierce, and I don't know anyone who has crossed her and not regretted it."

Magnus looked towards the girls, then said, "The first time I met Alex, she cut my head off with her garrote."

Keefe looked momentarily startled, then signed something Will had never had seen before, followed by 'is waaay scarier than that. 

The first time I met her, she was glaring at a huge acid burn on her wrist like she wanted to murder it. 

She survived a kidnapping attempt, endless attacks, and a fire. 

She once one-hit knockout punched an adult, has survived on top of that the collapse of an entire building, her deadly allergies and the entire start of a war so far, and did it while all the while sassing the people who cross her, being a little fiercely loyal force of nature, and never giving up. 

Also, she's very emotionally oblivious and doesn't know a crush from friendship. So yeah,' that sign again, then 'is way scarier than them.'

Leo's eyes were wide, and he said "What is this girl's name? I want to know so I can be careful to stay on her good side!" Keefe smiled sadly, then spelled out 'Sophie Foster.'

After that, he didn't answer any more personal questions, but Will took it as a victory that he had said, or rather signed, that much after being so shy earlier. To be honest, it was a mystery why Keefe was so nervous, and Will had a burning suspicion that it had something to do with his parents.

Keefe nostalgia!I'm not crying, you are. The next chapter is Keefe POV, and I promise promise promise that it will be much happier.

Also: OMG THANK YOU 21 READS! IK that's not very much, but for one of my first stories not even a day after it got published, that's a lot.

Last thing before I leave: If I were to publish another story after the two I have now, which of these crossovers would you prefer

1. KotLC/Harry Potter

2. KotLC/Gravity Falls

3. KotLC/Riordanverse

4. KotLC/Harry Potter/Riordanverse

Please vote and tell me what you think!

Galaxy, out!

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