Weapons sold seprately but I can still slay

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Keefe was looking anxious, and Nico was again finding himself wondering what secrets the other boy had. And another thing was puzzling him. Keefe was definitely at least sixteen, but he still hadn't been claimed, or if he had, he wasn't telling them. Something was off about that shy boy.

Suddenly, there was a loud, shrieking crying noise from above, and a large, feathery Stygian Bird. Keefe ran right at it, and Nico felt a momentary stab of panic. They had forgotten to ask Keefe if he had a weapon of his own.

Judging by how there was no blade in his hand, the answer was a resounding no. Nico watched in awe as Keefe vaulted off the Big House and used a stray jump rope to lasso the bird. Dragging it down to level, he pinned it to the floor, holding its beak down and using his pleather jacket to keep the razor feathers from cutting his hands. Taking out his sword, Nico swiftly sent the monster to Tartarus.

Turning to Will, who had run up to see if anyone needed medical assistance, he said wryly, "Apparently, Keefe does NOT have a weapon yet."

Will nodded, then said to Keefe, "C'mon. We'll try to find something you can use from the warehouse." Keefe nodded and followed, but Nico began to find himself nervous for a different reason. Keefe had taken down a Stygian Crow with only a jump rope! He was at the same time as resourceful as a demigod, and yet utterly under-armed.

Was he even a demigod?

The idea was too hard for Nico to fully comprehend. Keefe hadn't tried to hurt anyone here, and most monsters would attack any demigods and ignore other monsters. Still, Nico was watching Keefe carefully now.


Will led Keefe to the Athena weapons warehouse and opened the door, then began digging through weapon choices. Keefe didn't seem like a spear or sword kinda guy, and the modified celestial bronze guns were too flashy for him... he was so lost in thought, so when a small bronze dagger hit the door, he jumped. Keefe was holding a long celestial bronze dagger in one hand and had a belt with four other throwing daggers.

"You know how to throw daggers?"

Keefe nodded, then signed with one hand, 'I can also throw them so the handle bonks people or the blade pins their clothes to the ground. I almost never aim to hurt anyone, unless I have to.'

Smiling satisfactorily, Keefe walked over and pulled the thrown dagger out of the door, and Will followed him. That night, they would have a game of capture the flag. Frank and Hazel had gone back to Camp Jupiter, but other than them, it was going to be Athena, Hermes, Apollo, Poseidon, Hades, Zeus, Hephaetus and Aphrodite against... everyone else.

Dinner came, then Chiron announced the game. "Head to bases in 20 minutes."

Keefe wandered off to get supplies, and came back well disguised five minutes later. He then sat on one of the benches near where Will was sitting, waiting for their group to head out. Will noticed that Keefe was looking inland, up at the stars, his eyes vacant. What was that about? Was the other boy having a seizure?

Will stepped up to Keefe and gently shook his shoulder after a few more minutes passed. "You okay?"

It took a few seconds, but the other boy nodded, and Will noticed that his eyes looked clearer. They followed Annabeth to the base a few minutes later, and Will was watching Keefe carefully to make sure he was okay.

"Okay," Annabeth said. "Hephaestus, Hades and Zeus kids will be in charge of getting as many of the opposite players off the field as possible. Apollo, Aphrodite and Hermes, spread out and guard the flag. Athena and Percy will follow me. Will, you and Keefe will be the first responders to the easiest path to the base. Make sure he doesn't get overwhelmed. Everyone else, take your positions. GO!"

The horn blew, and Will led Keefe to where they were to be stationed.

Don't you just love Will for breaking up the telapathy moment? It's ok because we'll get more team Foster-Keefe soon!!

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