Nightmares and New Ideas

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~Tommy's POV~

I make my way back home after visiting Dream in prison. My mind is racing. Were the things he said true? Or was he just trying to get under my skin...again?

I shake my head and take a deep breath as I enter my house. I head to my bed as my head just swirls with questions.

I quickly fall asleep.


I open my eyes to see I'm sitting on the bench with Tubbo. He looks older, yet, I look the same age, but I'm alive again, I'm not a ghost. Tubbo's eyes no longer have that happy shine it used too. His Snowchester jacket is all torn up and singed.

"How could you let this happen Tommy?"


"How could you let Dream escape? He blew up Snowchester! He killed my son and Ranboo in front of me!"

"You have a son?" I ask confused.


I blink and Tubbo is gone. Jack Manifold is there with a sword to my throat.

"This is all your fault Tommy! I've tried to kill you countless times! I succeeded once, but then you came back. But now I can kill you and no one will care because you caused all of this!"

"P-Pl-please! Sto- stop!" I scream, tears flowing down my face.

I blink again. 

I teeter on the edge of the cliff facing Dream, half of my feet hanging off as the dirt threatened to crumble beneath them. I look up and see Dream is standing in front of me. I look behind him and see everyone and I mean everyone. I try to call out for help, but no one seems to care. Sam looks pissed at me. Tubbo can't even look me in the eye. Puffy looks sad and disappointed. Ranboo is missing. And Wilbur is there. Not ghostbur, Wilbur! He seems like he doesn't even care. Everyone is there and looks pissed at me.

"Everyone's here and no one wants to stand up for you this time." Dream says.

"Why- What did I do?!" I ask.

"Don't you know, you helped me escape. You got Ghostbur killed. You blew up Snowchester. You hurt everyone."

"No.... no. I would never do that!"

"Oh, but you did!"

I grit my teeth and try to formulate a strategy - anything - that would help me survive this. My mind screeches to a halt.

Survive this... That's what I think to myself, Survive this....Do I want to survive this? All the pain and suffering I've been through my whole life could come to an end in a matter of seconds. All I have to do is stop fighting.

Just. Stop. Fighting.

I look over to Tubbo. I finally get him to look me in the eyes. I smile at him. A genuine smile. A smile I haven't used since me and Wilbur lost the election and got kicked out. Tubbo then perked up. I think he realized what I am planning to do. Just then Quackity comes running through the crowd.

"Tommy! NO!" Quackity yells.

I smile at Dream, something peaceful and confident as the ground continued to crumble beneath my feet. And before Quackity could even reach the tree by the bench, I take a half a step backwards into the open air!

"NO!" Everyone seemed to collectively yell.

Dream lunged and missed grabbing my hand, but he was able to grab the sleeve of Wilbur's jacket. I turn and fall out of the jacket. I fall and fall. I can here Tubbo and Quackity's sobs as I hit the ground.

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