𝑹𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑫 𝑻𝑯𝑹𝑬𝑬: 𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒔

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𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒆𝒅 down the street of downtown New York, taking in the air. It had been a while since you have been to the main parts of New York, the bus fees always seemed to be too much and you never had a solid reason to come this far out.

But today you had a reason to check out the fight club you would be working at. The blonde boy- who told you he goes by Aito but you could call him Armin. Though you didn't get the nickname nor what it meant from the forgein language you had to guess was Japanese.

Armin had told you not to worry about the train ticket to downtown because he would venmo you some money- which he did. That surprised you but you guessed he was only trying to make it easier for you to get there and not say no to his offer.

You looked at your phone screen as you walked deeper into downtown New York, the bright screens plastered onto buildings that seemed to light up the night sky slowly drifted away from you. You noticed how much the area of New York you were in looked like the Bronx. The shabby buildings and dark allies.

You didn't know what to expect when you got to this fight club, but at this rate you weren't expecting a whole lot. Armin said it wasn't as bad as the area seemed. When you tried looking up the address to get a picture of what the place looked like nothing came up. It was almost as if this place was unlocatable.

You stuck to Armin's word about following a GPS to the nearest pizza place and he would meet you there, you prayed with every inch of your body that he wouldn't be late to meeting you there. You hated standing alone in the dark.

You started running over the situation you were in over and over in your head, you wondered how stupid you would look from someone else prospective going to meet up with someone that claims he is a underground fight club host offering you a job to be a ring girl. It was practically the perfect setup for being kidnapped.

You thought about just turning around and going home, saving yourself from any possible danger you were about to put yourself in just for $800 a night. But as you thought about turning and leaving deeper your phone interrupted you.

"Your destination is on your left!"

You turned your head to the left and saw the run-down pizza place you were supposed to meet up with Armin at. The neon sign for the shop was dim, if not barely lit.

"Hey Y/n! Over here!" You turned your head at the voice, you saw Armin supporting a turtleneck and trench coat paired with light washed jeans. You had to give it to him, he knew how to dress. Armin jogged over to you with a smile on his face. "I thought you wouldn't show!" He said, "Why wouldn't I?" "I thought you'd think this was some kidnapping thing." He laughed nervously.

"But anyway, why don't we head to the cage yeah?" He said, pointing his thumb behind him into an alleyway. "Cage?" You said, now you really didn't know what to expect out of this. "Oh not a real cage, it's a fighting ring with a fence around it." He said, you nodded still not exactly sure what to picture in your mind. Armin turned around and began walking back into the alley.

You were jittery at first if you should follow the blonde or not, not knowing what he could be leading you to. But you took in a sharp breath of air and marched forward following Armin.

The alleyway was dark but lit up just enough to see through, you were stumbling trying not to fall over something while Armin seemed to breeze through the alley almost as if he had walked through it countless times.

Armin stopped at the dead end of the alleyway where a large brick wall stood and one thick metal door. You scanned around noticing how this looked like a normal rundown alleyway that was yet to have the trash cleaned.

Armin took out a key from his coat pocket and unlocked the thick door and swung it open with ease. You peered over the boy's shoulder and saw a large cement staircase leading down into the building. Armin held the door open for you and gestures for you to go first. You smiled at him softly bowing slightly as you walked through. He quickly followed behind you- the large door slamming once shut.

You walked down the large staircase, you heard your sneakers hitting the hard cement stairs and Armins boots hitting them as well. You couldn't imagine what this place looked like. The imagine in your mind from before was completely washed away.

As you finally stepped down the last set of stairs you saw a large abandoned area. The seats were the ones that you had to sit down to keep down. The area circled around an octagon with a caged fence just like Armin had said. You are currently at the top of the area looking down on all the seats. It was baffling for you.

"You weren't kidding when you said underground, but I didn't think you meant literally." You said, your eyes still looking around at the arena. Armin laughed, "Well it can be taken literally and not." He said. "Why don't we go check out the locker rooms, yeah?" You nodded at his words as he led you down the narrow pathway. There were many random doors placed around the pathway though you weren't sure what they were there for.

"This is the locker room path, it's where fighters get ready in their own locker rooms with their teams or fighters on their team." You nodded at his words looking at all the doors that now had names written on them. "The ring girls have their own room as well, it's usually quite large even though we only have three ring girls." Armin paused at a door looking at the name; you couldn't help but look as well.

"Eren Jaeger (Takeru) & Team."

"This is my team's locker room." He said with a smile, "You fight?" You asked, cokcing an eyebrow at the blonde. You honestly were shocked if he did. He was pretty small and didn't seem like a strong competitor. "Oh no not at all. If anything I'm just a team member." He laughed nervously. "But my team has some great fighters, I can't wait for you to see them in action." Armin smiled.

"But I won't bore you with my team, let's go check out your locker room where you'll be with the other girls next week." Armin smiled. You nodded as he began to walk, you quickly followed but you couldn't help but turn your head at the name on the door.

"Eren Jaeger."

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆


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