𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆: 𝑩𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈

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𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒅  your eyes to the sun hitting your face. Squinting you brought your hands up to rub your eyes, but when you went to reach for your phone like you do every morning you were surprised to feel arms wrapped around you tightly; pulling you back down to the bed, not letting you grab your phone.

You turned your head to see a messy bunned Eren with his eyes shut. You smiled softly as you turned your body to face him, still wrapped tightly in his arms. You lightly brushed strands of his hair out of his face, the morning sun hitting his face perfectly.

You looked closer at his face and saw tiny freckles printed on his nose and a little on his cheeks; something you never noticed before. You smiled as you brought your hand to his cheek and gently rubbed it.

Eren's eyes fluttered at this until he fully opened them, he wasn't fully aware of his surroundings for a second. You lightly giggled as he looked around your room confused.

"Good morning sleepy head." You said, Eren turned to you. A smile formed on his still tired face. "Good morning pretty girl." Eren said in a raspy voice. Your cheeks lighting up with a shade of red as you hear his raspy voice. "Would you be a sweetheart and let me get up?" You snickered.

Eren groaned at your request as he let you go. You swung your feet off the bed making yourself swing up. Your vision goes fuzzy from the quick movement of your body.

"What do you want for breakfast?" You asked as you got up. "You." Eren smirks. You grabbed your pillow and smacked him, "Not on the menu." You giggled. "Fine, fine. I'll take your finest smoothie." You rolled your eyes at him.

"Soon I'm going to be buying those smoothies for you and not me." You spoke as you rose from the bed and walked out your bedroom door. Eren chuckled as he reached the end table near him and grabbed his phone.

Notifications flooded his screen, some he didn't care about but some he did care about. One of the messages he cared about was from the familiar blond- Armin.

Eren swiped open the message as he was brought to the chat. A message painted his screen that read,

Goldie Locks

"I hope you're with someone who patched you up. You were hurt really bad last night. The last thing I need is to find you dead on a corner... But anyway, Erwin isn't upset. He was happy to see Levi. But Levi isn't happy about your fight with Zeke... He said you are far from ready to fight him and that he hopes you're ready for the worst training of your life... sorry Eren."

Eren sighed heavily as he finished reading the message. Tossing his phone back onto the night stand, he knew Levi had the worst training of his life coming up without a doubt in his head. But his stress seemed to clear when he heard your voice enter the room again.

"So I got you a smoothie and made you some yogurt and fruit." You smiled. "Wow I'm guessing you believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day huh?" Eren teased, you rolled your eyes at his words as you walked closer to your bed.

Eren sat up in your bed, resting his back on your bed frame as you sat on the edge of the bed handing him the food you made. You looked at the small smile on his face, though it was small you could tell how happy he was about you bringing him breakfast.

"How's your arm today?" You asked. Eren furrowed his brows in confusion until it clicked and he looked to his arm that was wrapped in bandages. "Forgot it was cut," He chuckled, "You did a good job at patching me up." Eren said before stuffing his face with yogurt and fruit.

You smiled gently, Eren didn't know but his small words of kindness seemed to keep you going.

"I have to go and train today with Armin and Levi but I was wondering if you'd like to come to hang out and watch me? Maybe you and I could go do something after?" Eren asked looking up at you. Your cheeks were flushed a bit but you quickly responded to him.

"Yeah, yeah that sounds like fun I'll join you." "Great! We should probably leave soon since the train ride will be a bit long." You nodded and stood from the end of the bed, "I probably should go get ready then." Eren nodded at your words looking into your eyes.

You stared back before quickly snapping out of the trance his eyes put you in and began to walk away before you felt the grip of Eren's hand gently holding you in place. You turned your head back to him, confusion plastered on your face as he looked up at you, his cheeks a rosey red.

"Thank you for the uh breakfast." He said before letting go of his gentle touch on your arm. You looked at him for a bit; studying his face before you smiled at him. "No problem Eren."

All that could be heard in the room you were in was the r&b music softly playing in the background along with the hard smacks coming from Eren's gloves hitting the punching bag he was hitting.

You would glance up every so often to look at Eren and his figure- he was very muscular. This was obvious but you didn't think he was this muscular, every time he threw a punch you watched his back muscles tense up.

Eren could definitely fight. You knew this even though you have never seen him fight, I mean anyone that was built like Eren could at least throw a punch that was enough to knock someone out cold.

You move your glance over to a man you had only just met today, Levi. He was short. Like really short. But don't think that meant the man wasn't intimidating, the two scars on his left eye made him look scary; along with his jet black hair that was put into a nice middle part. His voice was also firm and alerting.

You really didn't know how Armin was involved in these things, he was a really sweet guy. He also looked innocent. Like someone who wouldn't be into mma, especially illegal mma fighting.

"You expect to fight Zeke with the worst foot work I've ever seen?" Levi spoke flatly to Eren, Eren's face turning into a scole as he looked at the shorter man. "And you expect to get married when you're that sho-" "Okay! You two knock it off!" Armin interrupted.

You snickered a bit at the three men in front of you as all Armin could do was sigh and pinch his temple together as if he was a stressed mother. "You guys can't be fighting like this when Eren is training for the biggest fight of his mma career." Armin scolded.

"Maybe if the asshole didn't have the worst coordination I've ever seen in my 33 years of life we wouldn't be having this problem." Levi said as he crossed his arms against his chest. "Then teach him! Oh my god I can't be here anymore I'm going to get coffee."

Armin scooped his keys off the small table next to you and stuffed them in his pocket. You watched the blond boy march out of the room swinging the door open and slamming it behind him.

The room Armin left the three of you in fell silent, the only thing to be heard was Eren's playlist playing softly through speakers.

"That stick hasn't fallen out of his ass since I have been gone huh?" Levi smirked, Eren letting out a slight chuckle before he nodded his head. 

"If only you knew Levi."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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