I'm Your Biggest Fan

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Song for the chapter: Paparazzi by Lady GagaThis idea is from a TikTok I saw earlier, by sunflwrmemories on TikTok

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Song for the chapter: Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
This idea is from a TikTok I saw earlier, by sunflwrmemories on TikTok. Harry is a paparazzi groupie and has been stalking Louis for quite some time now. He finally acts on his obsession.
Trigger warnings:
Violence, Kidnapping, Bipolar Disorder, Blacking Out, Suicidal Thoughts,
Self Harm, Degrading, Non Consensual Sex, Edging
Bondage, Harmful Sexual Scenes, Daddy Kink, oop.

Louis Tomlinson is a singer and he's on tour, while secretly being stalked by a paparazzi member, who wants him as his own and no one, not even Louis' family can have him as their own.


"Louis!" "Louis Tomlinson!" His head whips back and forth in front of the venue he's playing today. He's so involved with his fans and the paparazzi that he doesn't see the very familiar pap that has been at every show and red carpet that Louis has been at before. The curly haired pap that Louis has gotten a restraining order on once before. He just won't leave Louis alone. He doesn't care, he needs Louis Tomlinson. "Yes?" Harry can hear that perfect Doncaster accent that he's studied and memorized for the past three years. He snaps some photos of Louis from a distance. "Of course love! What would you like me to sign?" His kindness draws Harry in more and more. Something Harry isn't used to in his life, and he craves it.

Another pap gets in front of Harry, blocking his view of the small singer, causing Harry to panic. He needs to see his Louis all the time.
Harry shoves his way to where he can see Louis now, closer. He decides, tonight is the night. He takes another look at Louis, making sure he doesn't notice him otherwise his plan will never work. Harry walks back to his van, where he has all his camera equipment is kept. Along with the blindfold, handcuffs, chloroform, ropes, everything someone would need to perhaps kidnap someone.

Harry camps out for the two hour concert right near Louis' tour bus that he will no longer be needing. The back entrance door opening catches his attention, it's Louis. And he's all alone? Well, that makes this whole ordeal easier for Harry. He takes a cigarette out of a pack, leans up against the venue's wall, and sticks the cigarette in between his lips. Harry quietly gets out of his car, and makes his way to where Louis stands, his face lit up due to the lighter flame. "Hello Lou." Harry's deep, monotone accent says from a shadowy area, carefully holding the cloth behind his back. "H-Harry. What are you doing here? You can't be here, you need to leave. Now." Louis' frightened voice kills a little bit of Harry's soul. He never wanted to hurt him. Just have him for himself is all.

"Actually, I can. Because no one will know I was here, Louis." Harry says as he steps closer to Louis, sticking his arm out, blocking Louis from going inside. Face to face, Harry can smell the cigarette smoke in Louis' hair. 'God he smells so fucking good.' Harry thinks. "Harry, I will call the cops." Louis warns. Harry chuckles. "You really think I would still be here by the time they get here? You really think you'll still be here by the time they get here?" Harry asks lowly. Louis shrinks back, terrified for his current situation.

"If you thought yes, I'm sorry darling, the answer is no." Harry says, before pulling Louis close to him, placing the cloth over Louis' face, making sure he inhales. Louis didn't even have time to shout for help before the chemical is taking over his system. He collapses into Harry's body, causing Harry to pick him up bridal style, feeling his hot body in his arms for the first time.

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