The Night's Drawn Out Long

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Song for the chapter: Knee Socks by Arctic Monkeys

Harry is an exceptional writer, at least Louis thinks so, and he though he was a good writer. They haven't talked about what happened last night... yet.

"I met him once and wrote a song about him." Harry sings in the not so little booth he has in his house. "Harry. No record label I know will let you sing with the same pronouns as yourself. You'll have to change it to 'her'." Louis says from outside the booth, eating a salad. Harry opens his eyes to see Louis putting his fingers on his producing equipment, messing with things. "Hey! Don't touch that stuff! I have all of it adjusted for my voice!" Harry shouts, taking the headphones off and walking to the door separating them

"No, you don't. Your pitch was too low, and you have a filter on that takes out the rasp? Nah, girls will love the rasp." Louis directs, still eating his salad. "Oh.. well, at least stop putting your grubby hands on shit." Harry says from the doorframe. Harry turns to go back in right as Louis sticks his finger in salad dressing and poking a button on the dashboard. "I got dressing on your button." Harry turns around, a dark look in his eyes.

"Clean it up, don't just fucking leave it there. Fucks sake." Harry fumes, picking up a beige guitar and strumming the notes to Carolina as Louis cleans up his mess. Louis gets mesmerized by Harry's hands moving up and down the stringed instrument.

Four hours later

"Ok, so now since you want multiple layers of your voice, you are going to sing the same 'la la la' but different pitch each time, you're going to have to sing it several times." Louis says, getting everything together on the computer and dashboard so that they can double-track Harry's voice. Sarah, Mitch, Adam, and Charlotte are all in there too, not questioning why Louis Tomlinson is in here and not touring like he was supposed to be.

"Harry, he's good at this whole producing thing. I see why took a liking to him." Adam whispers to Harry in the studio. Harry turns to him, smirking. "Right? He's almost too good at this." Harry says, going to say more but is cut off by Louis. "Ok, so Sarah, you'll come in with the light pots and background vocals, Charlotte.. Charlotte you will also come in with the background vocals, but both of you lightly." Louis directs from behind the window.

Two hours later

"That's a wrap for Carolina! It's not like we've been working on it for two weeks." Louis says sarcastically, earning a glare from Harry, but not caring. He's seen it too much lately.

"Look at this darling." Harry says darkly after everyone has gone home. Louis curls up in a ball on the couch as an angry Harry comes towards him with his phone in hand. "Harry, I don't know what I did to make you so mad at me. Please don't." Louis pleads, but they go unheard. "You see why I have to do this? Why I have to keep you?" Harry says solemnly, the dark look in his eyes prominent. There is a headline on the phone: Pop Star Louis Tomlinson Has Been Kidnapped.
He has been gone for four months now
Fans believed he went on a small break due to being sick
However, that doesn't seem to be the case, as he has not
Posted anything on social media, nor has his family been
In contact with the pop star. His fans, the 'Louies', are very
Concerned with Mr. Tomlinson's health and well being...

The article continues but Louis doesn't have the heart to continue reading. He can't help but feel tears build up in his eyes and slowly and silently release themselves. "Oh you're gonna cry about your family? What, miss your mum? Miss little Charlotte, and Daisy.. Phoebe and... Doris and Earnest, was it? They sure are frantic over their big brother's disappearance." Harry tuts almost demonically. Louis' eyes widen at the names of his siblings.

"Bad boys get punished, Louis.. and you know? You've been quite sarcastic lately. But, I'll let it slide for right now." Harry says, almost switching back into the comfort Louis has unfortunately grown to like. "Do you want to eat something?" Harry asks turning away from Louis, not waiting for a response.

Louis stays put on the sofa, which is a mistake on his behalf. He doesn't see how Harry has a silent mental disorder eating away from the inside. He doesn't see Harry think about ending it all right there in the kitchen. And he doesn't see Harry slip the drug into Louis' food, all while smiling.

Here you guys go

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Here you guys go. I don't know, I'm kinda liking dark harry. Like really dark harry...
Anyway, enjoy! I'm trying to make the chapters bigger. It's just difficult.
Date: Thursday June 10,2021
Time:2:15 pm
WC: 840

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