Sweetheart (WhitRiah)

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"Thanks, Mariah," CeCe said. "I'm really beginning to get the hang of this."

"That's what I'm here for, hun."

"Now that my grades are better, I can go to the dance."

Mariah nodded in understanding, still smiling. Though she wasn't big on school dances (or dancing in general) herself, she was happy for CeCe. "Nice. Got a hot date?"

CeCe adorably hesitated. "I'm working on it," she answered, choosing her words carefully. "There is somebody in mind, but I'm trying to feel it out first..."

"You're not sure they feel the same way," Mariah guessed.

"Right. I mean, we already talked about going to the dance together, but I think she sees it as a girl's night, a friend thing."

It was interesting to Mariah that CeCe used "she." She liked CeCe even better now. Not only was she nice and someone who needed her tutoring services, now she knows that she plays for her team.

"Ah, yeah, I know what you mean...do you know for sure?"

"No. It's hard to tell with Whitney. You're her friend, but she treats you like you're her girlfriend." CeCe laughed. "I know that probably sounds weird, but it's true."

Mariah was quiet for a beat. "Well, friends should treat each other good, but what's she doing? Are you guys making out?" She tried to act as neutral as possible, but her stomach was on fire.

"No, no," CeCe clarified, shaking her head and blushing. "I meant, she'll hold my hand or let me wear her jacket if I'm cold, you know, stuff like that." She paused. "Because I like her, these things mean more to me than they would if it came from somebody else, so there's that..." she laughed.

"No, I get it. What did you say her name was again?"

"Whitney, the new girl from Jersey. Well, I guess she's not so new anymore since she's been here for six months now, but, yeah, her."

"I see."

"You know her?"


CeCe just nodded, feeling awkward at Mariah's clipped tone. Catching herself, Mariah plastered on her dazzling smile. "That's cute. You should go for it."

"What if I make a fool of myself?"

"If she's really your friend, she'll be cool about it. Just be like 'I'm glad you're my date'" and see what she says."

CeCe was persuaded. "Damn, you got me feeling all motivated. "Like I could call her right now." She laughed.

"Do it," Mariah suggested without hesitation.

"I'm a little nervous...."

The tutor waved her hand dismissively. "Get it out the way. You'll still be beautiful."

"You're like my coach, too. I'm here for it."

Mariah laughed. But she was also trying to brace herself for what was ahead. Even though she and Whitney were not exclusive, she thought it was understood between them that they were both interested and wanted to see where things would go. Depending on what Whitney said when she picked up, Mariah envisioned herself crying or being pissed off. That was how much the girl meant to her.

Mariah felt like she was about to see her test results.

Her stomach lurched when she heard Whitney's voice.

"Yeah, hey, what are you up to?" CeCe greeted in return.

"Just playing Call of Duty with my brother, you?"

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