Lacy & Letitia

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Lacy (Hayley Kilgore)

Lacy (Hayley Kilgore)

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I felt stupid. Stupid for thinking Coco would be into me. I mean, of course she goes for guys only. She'd never even shown interest in girls, so why on earth did I think I had a chance? It was frustrating.

My friend Letitia sat across from me eating her hamburger while occasionally staring at me in contemplation.

"What?" I finally asked.

"Are you gonna eat?"

I looked down at my food that I knew was there, but chose to ignore. Although I had reached out to Letitia about going out to eat, I was far from hungry.

"I may doggy-bag it," I said.

She didn't say anything. She used a napkin thoroughly but promptly and then fixed her gaze on me.

"You need to let this Coco shit go."

I appreciated her bluntness, knowing I could always count on her to give it to me straight—the good and bad.

"I get it, you had a crush, but you need to move on. She's not that great anyway."

That's a lie. Coco is gorgeous, funny, kind, charismatic, interesting, and fun and supportive. She could make sitting there and watching paint dry interesting. She wasn't only great, she was special.

But I bit my tongue.

"Not if she can't see how precious you are," Letitia continued, bringing a smile to my lips and a playful eye roll. "So move on and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Please."

"Thanks, babe."

Her expression softened. "'Course."

Some would wonder why I wasn't all over Letitia She was great, too. Wonderful even. And she also happened to be a beauty and into my gender. Believe me, I was interested. But when I noticed we were developing a friendship, I pushed my feelings to the side and they eventually died out. Letitia is pretty assertive and proactive, so if she'd been into me, she would've told me.

I cleared my throat. "So, enough about me, what's going on with you and Gemma?" I wriggled my eyebrows suggestively.

Letitia pulled a face before rolling her eyes. "What I tell you 'bout that? Huh?"

I laughed because we both know she hates when I tease her about Gemma. "What?" I dragged out innocently. "Inquiring minds wanna know."

"They must wanna get in trouble, too." A look of defiance colored her visage.

Leaning my head back, I chortled once more. When I made eye contact with her she was now amused also.

"You are a mess," she commented with a soft smile. "Where to next?"

I smiled at the fact that she wasn't looking to cut our time together. She still wanted to hang out. I used to pray for days like these.

"Ice skating? Or rollerblading?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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