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When Alistair delivered Eloise back into her former bedroom, Henry was waiting. His eyes slid between the two of him and he smiled, his expression a mix of relief and sadness.

"Take care of her," he said to Alistair. It wasn't a threat, but a request. A plead. They both knew there was nothing Henry could do to hurt Alistair should he ever harm Eloise.

"Always," Alistair promised. He pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead, his fingertips skimming across her bare arm before he slipped out the window.

Eloise wouldn't see Alistair again until the evening before her wedding, after the baron would return for the dinner party that evening. It had been hard to convince him of that, but she desperately wanted to have ample time to say goodbye to her siblings. None but Henry would know what had happened to her, and Eloise knew deep down that she would likely never see them again.

"Oh, Eloise, you look beautiful," her mother said, fussing around her as one of their servants attempted to finish fixing Eloise's hair.

"Thank you, Mother," Eloise said, nervously smoothing her dress. It was made of some soft, periwinkle blue material that the baron claimed to have bought during his travels. Cynically, Eloise wondered if he had made his past wife wear the same dress.

"If this does not make Baron Winslough fall in love with you, then I do not know what will," her mother said, dabbing at the side of her eyes with a handkerchief. "It feels like just yesterday you were knee-high and now you're getting married. I can hardly believe it."

Eloise gave a weak smile of what she hoped was agreement. Her mother misunderstood it as nerves. "Oh, don't be nervous, my dear. You will make a good wife and soon you will be raising little ones of your own. You have nothing to worry about."

"I know, Mother," Eloise said, just to appease her.

A sharp rap on the door ended their conversation and Eloise felt her gut clench on seeing the baron on the other side. He bowed politely to her mother and offered an arm. "You look lovely," he complimented, eyes cold as chips of ice. "The guests are arriving. Shall we go down?"

Eloise's expression gave away nothing of her inner turmoil as she nodded silently and took his offered arm. "We shall."

"Your behavior tonight will determine how our wedding night will proceed," the baron said quietly as they walked downstairs. "Behave yourself or I can make things quite unpleasant for you."

"I understand," Eloise said, just the right amount of tremble in her voice. She didn't feel the weight of the threat as he assumed, however. Before the close of the night she would be gone.

The first half-hour was spend greeting guests, directing them to the back field that had been specially decorated for the party. The mild summer night ensured that no one was too cold or too warm.

There was much dancing and merriment, and after three dances with the baron, Henry stole her for the next. "Your bag is in the tree, just like you asked," he said. His eyes were sad. "I will miss you, El. Though I know he will keep you safe, and you will be happy. Free."

"I will miss you too. Thank you for helping me," she said.

He squeezed her hand lightly. "What else are brothers for?"

She gave a small, watery laugh. "That and being annoying, I suppose."

"Well, yes," he agreed. His eyes locked on something over her shoulder. "Time for you to go."

"Mind if I cut in?" It was Alistair, though he was hardly recognizable without his normal clothes. He was wearing proper dress, clothes that Henry had stolen from their father and knew wouldn't be missed.

"She's all yours," Henry said, pressing her hand into Alistair's. "Goodbye, El."

"Are you certain this is what you want?" Alistair asked, and it wasn't until that moment that Eloise noticed the tears that slid silently down her cheeks.

"Yes," she said. "But I will miss him."

"I know," he said softly, pulling her closer. "Do you trust me?"

She remembered the first time he had asked her that, so many years ago. She smiled at him. "Should I?"

He laughed, red eyes alight with mirth. "Perhaps not. I may steal you away. I may never give you back."

"And if that's what I want?" she whispered, a mischievous smile on her face.

"Then you leave me no choice." His lips brushed against hers in the lightest of kisses and with a whisper of the breeze, they were gone.


I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. That is all. Alistair and Eloise finally get their happy ending :') two chapters left! Thank you for all the support and please let me know what you think!

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