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The fixation he held for the human child concerned him; even moreso did it after his first conversation with her, after which Alistair felt more protective over her and her childhood innocence than ever.

It was not normal to be so focused on the child. It felt wrong somehow, so Alistair departed and did not visit again for some number of years. He still visited sooner than he would have otherwise, but by the time he found himself stepping foot once more on Byron land, Eloise was a teenager.

He did not bother first visiting her parents, as they were not his primary concern. Two more children, both girls, had joined the Byron ranks, and Alistair saw them playing with their older brothers in the field as he passed faster than their eyes could perceive.

His gift was leading him, but Alistair found he did not need it, as Eloise was precisely where he had tracked her to some seven or eight years ago, seated in the same tree. She didn't notice his arrival, as her eyes were closed, but her heartrate told him she was not asleep.

He perched himself on a branch close to hers. "Hello again."

She yelped, starting violently and losing her balance. Alistair moved before she could fall, lifting her back on to the branch. He balanced on a branch just above her in case she slipped again. She stared up at him through wide eyes, her heart drumming rapidly. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"If I was trying to kill you, I would have let you fall," Alistair said, smiling at her and moving back to his original spot, lounging against the tree's trunk.

"Mother and Father didn't mention you were visiting," she said, tucking her dark her behind her ears and settling back as well.

"I have not yet been to see them," Alistair said. He did not mention that he had no desire to do so.

"I do not blame you," she said, smiling impishly. She had read him so easily, so effortlessly, that Alistair wondered if he would be caught off-guard with every conversation they shared.

"Do you live in this tree, then?" he teased, amused at the blush that stained her face. She was a pretty girl, still young, but Alistair had no doubt that she would have many suitors once she came of age.

"Only during the day," she said. "Whenever I can get away from my governess, who is too scared of snakes and too busy chasing my sisters to come after me."

"You do not take advantage of the education she offers you?"

"What, embroidery and table decorating and writing pretty letters? That is not education. I want to learn science, math, business! Mother says I look far beyond my station as a gentleman's daughter," Eloise said, rolling her eyes to the sky.

"What do they have in mind for you, then?" Alistair asked.

"To marry up. I am smart, and no longer shy, and they say I am - or will be - very beautiful. They wish me to marry a knight, or a baron if I can manage it, but I have yet to hear of a baron that is younger than forty."

Alistair repressed a hiss. "And what do you want?"

"I want..." she paused, thoughtful, "I want to see the world. I have lived my whole life here, and have visited London once and the coast none at all. Life is too short to worry about status or money," she said.

"I agree."

"Fortunately, it's not something you have to worry about." Eloise looked at him with her too-knowing eyes, and Alistair was certain she knew the truth. And yet she still sat beside him, free of fear, conversing with him as familiarly as she would a friend. Even her parents, who trusted him enough to interact with their children, were wary of him. He could see it in their eyes.

"Not running from me makes you very brave, then, or very foolish," Alistair said.

"If you wanted me dead, you would have let me fall," she said, using his words against him.

"Cheeky girl," he said fondly. Her eyes were twinkling, and the scent of blood strengthened in the air as blood pooled in her cheeks.

"Eloise Elizabeth Byron, you come out of these woods at once! Do not make me fetch your father!" A woman's voice echoed through the trees, and Eloise grimaced.

"My governess," she explained.

"She sounds lovely," Alistair deadpanned.

She giggled. "I should go."

"Ah, yes, your embroidery," he said. "Wouldn't want you to miss that."

"Don't make fun. Otherwise I'll tell Mother and Father you stopped by but didn't visit them," Eloise threatened.

Alistair could only imagine the sort of complaints he'd have to hear next visit if word got back about that. "I wasn't making fun," he said.

"And I've never fallen out of this tree," Eloise retorted, no malice in her tone. "When will I see you again?"

"I don't know," Alistair said honestly.

"I hope it's soon." Her words came out in a rush, and she was blushing.

He chuckled. "We shall see."

"Eloise!" Her governess shouted again.

"Goodbye, Alistair," Eloise said, pushing herself up into a crouch so she could clamor down.

"Wait," Alistair said, not entirely sure what had possessed him to do so. "Do you trust me?"

"Should I?" Eloise asked.

"Perhaps not," he acknowledged, more disheartened by her answer than he would ever let on.

"I was just kidding. I trust you," she said, tone gentle. Alistair wasn't certain he liked how easily she could read him.

"Good," he said, and swung her into his arms before she could protest, springing lightly out of the tree and onto the forest floor.

Eloise was giggling as he set her back on her feet. "I would have broken my legs if I had tried something like that."

"Hence why I didn't suggest you jump," Alistair said, smiling at her amusement. "Until next time, Miss Eloise."

He took her hand, kissing her knuckles. She was blushing again, and the sweet scent of the blood in her cheeks was the last thing he smelled before he wheeled around and was gone.

Perhaps it was best if he did not come back, Alistair considered as he ran. It would be best if he stayed far away; he did not want to taint the child, who was so incredibly young and idealistic compared to him.

But deep down, he knew that he could not, would not, stay away. His instincts demanded he protect Eloise Byron.

Well, we have reached the end of act I. After this the true plot begins and I'm very excited for it. Thanks for your support and please let me know what you think!

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