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Eloise wasn't able to sleep that night, but it was no longer because of the marriage she dreaded. Her thoughts were instead solely consumed by the red-eyed man and the sensation of his lips against her skin - even if it was only her forehead.

She was summoned to the sitting room shortly after breakfast, only just keeping the shock on her face when she saw Alistair, engaged in uncomfortable small talk with her father.

"Eloise, there you are," her father said, taking her gently by the arm and pulling her towards Alistair. "Alistair, may I officially introduce you to my eldest daughter, Eloise. You haven't seen her since she was an infant."

"How time flies," Alistair commented, bowing. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Byron."

Eloise curtsied, having the sense not to mention their previous meetings with one another. If he didn't divulge acquaintance, then she would not either. "You as well, sir. Father has told me much about you."

"Did he tell you it was I who settled the dispute on your name?" Alistair asked, catching her by surprise.

She cast a curious glance to her father. "He did not."

"Your mother and I could not come to a peaceable decision on your name, and Alistair was gracious enough to cast the deciding vote," her father told her. "And I do think he chose rightly; you are not much of a Margaret."

Alistair's face betrayed nothing, but Eloise could see the amusement that gleamed in his eyes. "In that case, sir, I thank you. I do not think I'd make much of a Margaret."

"Just Alistair, please. We have known each other long enough to be familiar, even if you do not remember our first meeting," he said.

Her father seemed pleased that they were getting along well. "I must say, Alistair, that I am happy you visited. In just a month my dear Eloise will be managing her own house."

"Congratulations," Alistair said, countenance changing near imperceptibly.

"I always knew she would marry well, being such a pretty, talented, sensible girl. Even if she does spend too much time in the woods," her father said. This was a common dispute between them.

Eloise barely refrained from rolling her eyes. "I enjoy being outside, Father. The fresh air is good for my health."

"You do fall ill so rarely," he agreed, turning back to Alistair. "I wasn't entirely sure you'd be coming around again, considering the extended time between your last visit and now."

"I found myself in the Americas for some time. Picked up a new acquaintance." He did not sound particularly enthused about this. "It was several years before I stepped foot on English soil again."

Eloise wondered if he had traveled to the Americas at all, knowing that he still paid visits to the Byron property - to her - every few years. She couldn't help asking, "What was it like?"

"The Americas?" he asked, and she nodded. "Wild is the word I would use. Those that choose to make it their homes are hardy people. For some, there is no guarantee that there will be enough food to last them the winter, but they persevere. Dangerous country, filled with predators that would be all too happy to make a human their prey: bears, mountain lions, wolves. But it is beautiful."

"Don't go getting any ideas, now," her father said, disliking the dreamy look in her eye. "Much safer here in England."

"Would it be too much to ask you, Miss Byron, to give me a tour of the grounds? It's changed since I last visited," Alistair said.

"What a splendid idea, Alistair," her father approved. "It's such a lovely day for it. Will you be staying through the evening?"

"Likely not, though I appreciate your endless hospitality," Alistair said. "If you allow it, however, I would not mind staying in the area until the wedding is to take place."

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