Chapter 3

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3rd POV:

"Shes my sister",nayeon said.

bts were shocked since they were so different. they didn't even look alike or anything. bts then decided to not put any thoughts into that and started showing nayeon to the principles office to get her schedule and locker number/key. bts thought it was weird for the bom to leave to go to the rooftop since class was starting in 5 mins. On the other hand nayeon wasn't very happy since she would have to go to class alone now because her sister probably would not come to class and decide to skip.


i was upstairs sitting at the edge of the rooftop leaning against a wall. i put my hand in my bra where i kept one of my cigarettes hidden. i opened the box of the new pack that i bought 2 days ago. i took my lighter which was in my bag and put it at the end of the cigar . i look at it for a second before putting it in my mouth and i inhale it through my mouth. i then puff the smoke out through my mouth and some come out my nose.

i decided to lay my head and take a nap.


(4 years old)

Lil Bom:  where are you taking me paa?

lil bom's father just glared at her and started dragging her into the car. lil bom decided to stay quiet and do whatever her father is telling her to do so she does not get in trouble. after 20 mins in the car bom started to get nervous because of her father. she sometimes caches her father glaring at her through the mirror in the car.

boms mother died when she was just 3 years old. her and her mom were very close. she was her hero. she died of an heart attack after catching dad cheating on her. bom still loves her dad but her dad doesn't love her . she was supposedly what you would have called a mistake. it was very unplanned and the father was not happy.

all of a sudden the car stopped in front of what looked like an old warehouse. the father then dragged bom outside with her and led her in. bom was trying to resist but her father was too strong and had a strong grip on her arm.

after entering the warehouse he started approaching a man who looked close to his 40's. The father then pushed the 4 year old bom to the ground infront of him. 

father:wheres my money?

bom was sitting down staring cluelessly at what was happening. she wanted to ask her father what was going on but decided not to talk since her father was looking very angry. Later, the 40 year old looking man gave boms father a suitcase. when boms father openned the suitcase bom could see it was filled with money.

father:shes all yours!(he then smirked while looking at her)

the father turned around and started walking to wards the exit. Bom was about to follow him when all of a sudden the old man that gave her father the money held her arm. bom looked at the man with a scared expression. She suddenly started shouting for her father but he just ignored her. she was crying and tearing up but what could she do. she was quiet a clever child and because she saw the suitcase being given to her father with money filled inside she knew exactly what was happening,

She was sold!

the old man then raised his hand and 8 people came from behind the walls. the all held riffles on their hands. they started approaching the crying girl . the girl was beyond terrified seeing this unknown mans approaching her. They held her arms very tightly and looked like it would leave a very bad bruise on her arms. they then started dragging the girl towards a van that was behind the wall. 

little bom looked back hoping that her father would look back and take her with him but all hopes vanished when she was pushed into the van and the doors closed. theu tied her hands and legs and duck taped her mouth.

all hope was gone to be saved. one of the mans that was carrying a riffle with him , then injected a substance behind her neck ,

even though she tried to keep her eyes open, darkness consumed her!


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