Chapter 5

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we arrived home at 2:00. nayeon was sitting on the kitchen counter laughing with mum. i was sitting on the couch zoning out looking at the tv screen. ting!. the sound came from my phone which was sitting on the counter next to nayeon. nayeon took my phone and looked at me. 

"unnie, Hwang In-yeop oppa send you a message",i put my hand out so she can give me my phone.she walked over to me and handed my phone on my hand and walked away to mom.i open my text messages and saw my best friend texted me. a small smile crept up on my face. i looked over to my mom and nayeon and checked if they saw me . i put my straight face on when i catched them looking at me with a warm smile on their faces. i looked back on my phone and texted hwang back.

hwang: hey bommie! you wont believe it. i have a huge surprise for youuuuu! i miss you so much too .i hope you are doing okkkkk! hows life in seoul ! text me back when your not busyyyy love uu babes!

bom: hey oppa! i miss you too everything's going great. i hope you could've come with us.

hwang: omg! is THE bommiie missing ME? woah ! i hope your doing ok there without me! gtg moms calling me. bye bommiee!

bom: bye oppa , tell uncle to eat well and not get sick again. you too take care of yourself.


Hwang In-yeop:

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Hwang In-yeop:

best friend of bom, they met when bom saved him from getting bullied at their old school. he is 3 years older which makes him 20 years old now. after he was saved by bom he kept on following her at school. they met each other when bom was 15 years old and they became super close withing 2 years. one even in particular made them become more closer.

Flash back:

Hwang In-yeop POV:

i came to school with red eyes. i didn't follow bom today since i wanted to cry a lot so i went to the schools rooftop. no one was there so i went to the edge of the rooftop and let my tears fall.i started screaming. my mom died yesterday and didn't feel like coming to school today but i wanted to , to forget about the events that happened mom died in a car accident. the driver was drunk and hit his car with my mum's.

dad was crying hysterically and i had to hold him up so he doesn't fall from exhaustion from crying. even i felt out of breath. my mom loved me a lot and i loved her just as much. i wish i could have said that i loved her a lot but i couldn't.

i was crying hysterically on the rooftop until i heard the door to the rooftop open. i looked at who came as i stopped screaming. through the tears on my eyes i saw bom standing there. i swear i saw a worried expression but then it went back to being blank. i wiped my tears with the sleeves on my shirt and looked down so she couldn't see me. i picked my bag up which i dropped on the floor and started heading towards the door . i didn't want to look pathetic to her. i took about 3 steps when someone hold my wrists. i looked up and came face to face with bom. i looked down to not let her see my red eyes but i bet she already did. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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