Chapter 2

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3rd POV:

7 guys were walking down the corridor together. they all had smiles on their faces as they were greeted by people. Lots of fangirls were following them as they walked to their lockers which were next to each other.this 7 guys were quite popular because of their smart brains, fces that girls would love to suck upon , and they were also very nice and kind toward everyone.All of a sudden they heard someone yell..


they could hear loud footsteps rushing toward them.they looked where the loud voice came from and an even wider smile grew onto their faces.


"hey!" eunwoo said catching up to them."have you heard there 2 new students coming to school today?"."apparently they are both girls",Jimin said. "They're apparently in the maknaes class", namjoon said. 

namjoon is the school president so he keeps tabs of everything that happens in the school."isnt it weird that theyre starting in the middle of the year?", jungkook said. hes eyes were sparkling since hes very excited to have new students in his class,and that meant maybe new friends.

"gtg guys ill meet you at lunch my class is starting in a while. cya".eunwoo said as he left entering into a classroom. 

All the chattering in the school stopped as the students were staring out the door where the entrance was .bts looked where everyone was staring at .A motorbike zoomed and stopped at the entrance parking lot.she got off and took of her helmet. she waited for the person behind her to get off and then she also got off. the girl who was driving the bike looked very different to the girl who was behind her. bts kept on looking at them and even they felt intimidated by the look on her eyes as she scanned everything before grabbing the other girls hand.she started walking until she heard someone call the person she grabbed a nerd. she stopped her tracks and snapped her head towards the girl.

Bts were getting scared since they dont like violence and the look she carried on her face is very intimidating and very mysterious cause it had no facial expressions and it looked very blank.

bts noticed that the girl who called the new girl a nerd is the ministers daughter who is very rich and is what you call a 'daddy's girl'. She is a bully in the school and is very possessive over bts and a psycho for them.Her name is tiff. she sometimes sexually harrases bts but every time eunwoo comes and saves them. eunwoo is the childhood friend of bts. they met at school and became best friends. 

bts felt bad for the girl who was called a nerd since she was trembling and they could see her gripping on the other girls arm. she started walking closer to tiff and looked at her up and down as if shes analyzing her. the next words that came out of her mouth shocked everyone since no one has ever talked like this to tiff.

???:whats a slut like you doing in the school grounds and not in a stripping club opening your legs for old mans.

she then started dragging the girl who looked frightened with her and started heading bts's way. to be specifically the corridor . all of a sudden the girl that was scared before stopped her tracks and looked bts's way. bts thought that she was very cute in the outfit she was wearing and the maknae's started to already become excited as the thought of having new friends entered in their minds.


the 'nerd' left the girls arm and started coming towards us. we looked back behind her seeing the girl who rudely towards tiff. we were happy that someone put her in place since we don't like her at all since she has sexually harassed us before but before it went too far eunwoo came and saved us. we cant do anything against tiff since she has a lot of power since she is the ministers daughter. apparently she owned the school so we cant say anything about that.

the girl looked hesitant but started following the girl who was coming our way.we kept on staring at her and she looked very beautiful. her futures on her face was one of a kind. she had a emotionless stoic on her face and she looked dangerous because her eyes looked dull. she had a beauty mark on top of her left lip which made her look very powerful and she walked full of confidence not caring about the stares she was getting. she walked following the'nerd' with her head held up high.

we stopped staring at her once we heard a very soft gentle like voice.


we looked at the 'nerd' who just talked to us. we then noticed that the girl who was behind her turned around and started walking down the corridor where the staircase was leading to the rooftop.we were very curious about her until we snapped our gazes to the girl standing infront of us.

"my name is nayeon! i'm new here!i don't know where the principles office is could you please show me? i mean you don't have to if you don't want to i just thought you looked nice so i asked you...", she kept fumbling words and we found it pretty cute."don't worry and sure! my names is seokjin but everyone calls me jin"."hi! my name is hoseok and i hope we can be friends you look pretty nice to hang out with","hi my name is yoongi","hi my name is namjoon", hi my name is jimin","hi my name is taehyung but everyone calls me V","hi my name is jngkook but everyone cals me kookie and i hope we can also be friend" we said with a smile on our faces. 

she showed us a very big smile when we said we would like to be friends with her. she suddenly looked behind her and said...


her voiced quieted down when she noticed no one was there. we guess the other girls name is Bom since she came with her.

"oh!",nayeon suddenly said confused on where she went.she then turned and looked at us and asked if we saw the girl who came with her."she went to the rooftop i think !",namjoon said. Her facial expression changed to a sad one for a second but then returned back to a happy one the next. "who was she to you?"yoongi asked.


to be continued

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter until next time


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