The Question Part 3-Delkura

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The two shinobi stand in the office with the Hokage, waiting silently for the woman to debrief them with the mission that they were requested for as Tsunade just sat there by the desk, looking through some mission scrolls. Tsunade quickly glanced up during her scavenging to see the two awkward teens. Delsin was shying away from the pinkette, looking anywhere but her since he still felt bad about what transpired yesterday afternoon.

Tsunade felt like Delsin was just being a clueless boy at this point. With the signs that Sakura was laying out almost obviously, he should know that the girl was actually genuinely interested in him but he was just too slow to notice. He swore that he must've gotten this thought process from Naruto as the blonde idiot she knew and loved was hopelessly oblivious to a certain Hyuga heiress's affections. But what gets her annoyed with the boy in front of her now though, is that he is a player.

Delsin knows exactly how to flirt and how to play his cards well with women, she just seen him do it with Ino. The boy knew exactly what he was doing in that field but when it came to Sakura it was like the boy just completely went stupid. Now with her apprentice, she sighed. She noticed Sakura kept glancing at the Conduit with sad and almost pleading eyes, as if she was silently begging him for his attention. Tsunade smiled a bit. The girl was hooked and was practically head over heels for the guy.

Sakura admits she likes him but she doesn't know the extent of her affection. With what Delsin said to her earlier definitely has her tripping over herself and thinking, manically almost, to find a way to get him to notice her. She had a small taste of him and Sakura was hooked, she just doesn't know how much yet. Sakura was falling for him. Tsunade smiled inwardly before she found a mission scroll. "Aha! Here we are!" She said as she held it out. "This is a simple mission for you two to do. Konoha needs some medical herbs from Nanakusa Island".

"Nanakusa? Where is that?". "Its the east of the Land of Fire! So we need herbs again?" "Yes, exactly. I would send more but our forces are stretched thin lately. Sakura, you will be the leader here". Sakura and Delsin nodded, neither finding a problem with it. "But why not take Naruto? Is he busy too? And what about Sai, Yamato, and Kakashi?". Tsunade sighed as she spoke about the missing blonde. "Sai, Kakashi and Yamato all have missions to do and Naruto.......Well.....".

In a hospital room in Konoha

"You're in here......from eating too much ramen?" both Delsin and Sakura said in both shock and slight annoyance. The blonde was in a hospital bed, wearing the usual gown and holding his stomach from the pain of his overfilled stomach, tears streaming down his face. "WELL YOU BOTH CAN SOUND MORE CONCERNED, YOU KNOW?! I'M IN HERE INJURED AND YOU STILL FIND A WAY TO RIDICULE ME!" The Uzumaki shouted. "YEAH, CAUSE YOU DESERVE IT!" Sakura shouted back before punching him on the head. "OWW!" Naruto shouts as he rubbed both his head and his stomach simultaneously.

The pinkette growled nastily as she glared at Naruto while Delsin sighed. "You are really something else, you know? I personally didn't think it possible but you amaze me. Your stupidity just keeps rising to new heights that it needs government clearance for air travel!". Sakura chuckled while Naruto glared hard at him. "Huh? What'd you say?!". Naruto shot up from the bed, getting in a fighting stance but just as he was about to charge, Sakura slapped him back down on the bed, a handprint burned on his face. "O-O-Ow.....Sakura-chan....y-y-you don't have to be so.....cruel". The pinkette sighed. "Listen, just behave, listen to the nurses and don't do anything stupid. Me and Delsin-kun have a mission so We'll be back maybe in a few days time" Sakura said.

Naruto shot up. "Mission?! You have a mission?! WHY DIDN'T GRANNY TELL ME?! I WANT TO GO!". "The reason she didn't get you was because of this, Naruto. Otherwise, I'm sure you would've been chosen to come along but you played yourself. No one told you to eat 80 bowls of ramen just to challenge Choji. You were setting yourself up for failure" Delsin said. Naruto frowned. "But what if there are some bandits that are super tough?! You may need backup!".

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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