My Dessert Flower-DelMari

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(Part Of The Actual Story)

"I'm sooooooooooo bored!" Delsin said as he kept rubbing Kodak's stomach as he later on the couch with his man sized dog on the ground. He had such a boring start to the day and it had just began. All he did was wake up, glance at the window and get up to eat cereal, sir on the couch and rub Kodai's belly. Said wolf is at full bliss right now, just lying beside the couch, panting like what Yugito usually calls him, a mutt.

After he came back from his Sage training, things have began to go full for the Conduit Sage. He could always go bug Fetch but that got old real quick as she'd super punch him out of this world. Eugene would be cool to hang out with but then he'd get all geeky on him and ramble on about his favorite game and how he wish he was his knight overlords or some shit and make Delsin have to punch him out this world.

Most of the rookies are cooling off after that failed mission to capture Sasuke or Itachi, he forgot who they were after during the actual hunting. After that encounter with that Toby character, he needed to evaluate his skills again. It was honestly so strange, it was like he wasn't real, like he couldn't be touched. Interrupting his thoughts on this mission though, the door was being knocked on. Delsin looked down at his wolf.

"You know, for all those belly scratches, I think you should open the door...". Kodai growled. "And with what hand am I doing it with, sir? The only one I imagine doing it with is your hand but....wait... If that's your hand. That means-". "Okay I get it, you lazy wolf!" Delsin said as he got up from the couch and walked over to the door. He opened it to reveal Shizune. "Oh, Shizune-chan! Good morning!". "Good morning, Delsin-kun! I'm here to tell you that Tsunade-sama has summoned you to her office immediately!".

Delsin widened his eyes. Was it a mission? 'Well....only one way to find out' He thought. "Right, tell her I'll be there at once. Just need to change". Shizune looked down to notice Delsin wasn't wearing any pants. She blushed slightly but nodded. "Y-Yes! Please hurry" she said and took off. Delsin ran to his room to go change into his gear while Kodai knocked out on the ground. "You would be asleep you lazy bastard!" He shouted in annoyance. Once he was changed, Delsin left the apartment and ran to the Hokage building to meet with Tsunade.

Once he reached, the seductive receptionist smiled cutely at him. "Hey there, Delsin-kun". "Hey, Is Tsunade in?". "Yeah, just go right in...." Delsin nodded and left before she could finish her sentence. He walked right in to see Tsunade talking with a fellow blonde that came all the way from Suna, Temari. Delsin smiled. "Hey Temari-chan. I didn't know you were in the village". The Fan user smiled. "I know, I meant to come see you but I was so swamped with working as the liaison between the villages but I unfortunately have to leave today".

Delsin's face had fallem a bit. "Really? Do you have to go?". Temari nodded, equally as sad. "Yes, I'm afraid so". Tsunade chuckled. "Don't be too sad you two. I realized that our young Suna kunoichi has been dying to see you since she arrived here but she's been so swamped with Konoha and Suna delegations, she didn't have the time and I personally feel responsible so I will be sending my personal favorite and best Chunin to escort you back to Suna. This'll be a B-RANK mission, any problems?" She asked.

Delsin beamed with glee at the possibility of spending more time with Temari. Said woman wanted to smile brightly but she hid it in the presence of a higher up. "No Tsunade-sama/Hokage-sama". The Slug princess smiled. "Alright, you leave immediately! Dismissed!". They nodded as the two left the office, leaving the Hokage to herself. "That girl.....she's too tense. Too serious. She needs to loosen up some and I know Delsin-kun will be the one to help her...." She smirked.

Meanwhile, the two were walkimy through the street that led out of the village. "Do you have everything you need for this mission. It'll take three days to reach Suna if you remember, Delsin-kun" she reminded. "Yeah, everything I need is sealed up into my arm. I'm ready, do you need anything, Mari-chan?" He asked, testing out a new nickname he just made up. After getting the response he hoped for, which was a heavy blush, he decided the name will stay.

Delsin and Naruto Short Stories: The Life Of The Conduit ShinobiWhere stories live. Discover now