The Question Part 2-Delkura

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It was now late in the evening as Sakura lay in her bed, wearing nothing but her pink silk pajamas to bed on a friday night. The week has been beneficial for her 'student',  Delsin, as he had been trained in proper chakra control thanks to her. The two, everyday, have been training him to fully grasp the understanding of chakra and help him master the Fire Ball Jutsu. Sakura assisted him with the Jutsu since she seen her ex Uchiha teammate perform it hundreds of times when they were just Genin kids. In fact, she memorized more than half of the basic Jutsus of the village due to her studying them and she would teach them to Delsin and she was rather impressed in his skills. She had to say that Delsin was a fast learner.

He was able to grasp nearly all of her teachings within the day. He was a genius and was born to be a ninja. It also helped that he heeded her every word when she said something. It made her feel like what she said mattered to him. After these training sessions, Delsin would treat her to dinner for helping her throughout the week. He would take her to anywhere she wanted in the district, though with limit since he wasn't the richest. She didn't mind though, she truly did enjoy her time with Delsin.

He was funny and sweet. She hadn't remembered a time where she was treated out to dinner besides with her parents and Naruto. Naruto was a great person, that she had learned rather late in her life but she couldn't find herself loving him the way he wished. He was her best friend, even more so than Ino. He understood what she needed and did his best to provide for her but she only loved him as a brother, nothing more. 'But Delsin' Sakura blushed. It warmed her heart that a boy like him would find her so attractive, worthy and find all these qood qualities in her. 'If only Sasuke was like that' she unconsciously thought. She frowned as she thought about the Uchiha, rolling around in her bed, gazing into her ceiling. She had also remembered what Delsin had said to her on their first dinner date. She spent the entire week trying to find out what she found attractive about Sasuke.

She heavily thought about it during the times where she wasn't with Delsin in the week, mainly when she was home after their dinner. She dug deep in her memories of the past when she was with Sasuke and she tried to remember what she found attractive about him, what drew her to him. She knew she felt heavy pity for him as a kid. He lost his entire clan in one night, which no one should go through, especially a child as young and playful as Sasuke was. She would remember him sitting in the corner of the room, brooding about it or just hating everything while everyone threw him everything, herself included.

There was a time where Sasuke would even glance at her with those indifferent eyes that would make her skin melt but as she remembered it now, he didn't give a rat's ass if she was there or not. She could remember that he would think of her as a hindrance and an annoyance which at the time, she kinda was, and she was a total bitch to Naruto, a person who though she walked on water and she only began treating him better was because of Sasuke saying she was annoying. Remembering that made her feel even worse about herself. She was a terrible kid back then.

As time kept moving forward, she would see how cold Sasuke was towards her and didn't even acknowledge her in the slightest. It got worse when they met up with Orochimaru but even before that, Sasuke never even showed that he cared. And that night, the night that still plagues her. The night that he left. The way he just left her there on the bench, ignoring everything she said to him, ignoring her confession. Through all these years since he left, she thought she was just to weak and that she just wasn't enough for Sasuke but ever since her talk with Delsin that night, it lit something up inside her.

Delsin told her that she despite her sayings, she doesn't understand Sasuke nor Naruto, though he told her that it was okay and that it was better to not understand but to just console, be there for them. Delsin told her to evaluate her feelings more and make sure she knows why she loves him because he knows that her love was strong and that anyone would be lucky for her to love them that way. Delsin basically told her that she didn't need to understand people because her love would be enough to get through to them, that's the type of woman he sees in her.

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