Sneak peak again....Sorry?

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Well i wont be updating for a while now (approximately a month) because my computer has been shipped off. Also, im going out for the weekend, then after that i have school and about fifty million projects to worry about, and then packing and stuff. So yes, that concludes all my excuses for not writing. They're true though. Well, partially. I kindaa didn't mention that i wont be doing those projects because well, i dont wanna.
So, im very painstakingly typing on my tablet, a small sneakpeak, in case you thought i died or something. So, here goes nothing!

Zee stared at her friends faces, judging, calculating their reactions. Unfortunately both faces were annoyingly blank. Arianna spoke first. "So what you're saying is that you're an international criminal, and you're here undercover?"
Zee nodded. Aria spoke up, "You can't expect us to belie-".
Arianna elbowed her in the ribs midsentence. "What Aria means to say, is, say hypothetically, we believe you. But why should we trust that you wont, i dont know, shoot us after this is all done because we know too much?"
Zee bit her lip, not answering.
"That's what i thought. We cant trust you. You've probably been luing to us all this while." Aria spat.
Arianna shot her a look that said 'calm down you're making the situation worse' but Aria continued. "Zee probably isnt even you're real name! You probably look totally different! Is anything about you not a lie?"
"My eyes" Zee said softly, looking up at Aria.
"My eyes. They're real." Zee said, her voice stronger, "Now look into my eyes and tell me if im lying when i say that i'm asking you to trust me because i trusted you enough to tell you who i am and i trusted you enough to keep my secret because that's the kind of people you are. But if you cant trust me back, maybe i was wrong!"
And with a swish of her hair, Zee got up and strode out of the room, not glancing behind her until she exited.
Well, that's it. You'll get all of it when i update the actual chapter. I have to go now. And read.
Quick life update: i am, at the moment reading Cinder, book one of the Lunar chronicles. It is amazing, and im sure you'll enjoy it too if you want to read it.
And no, im not being paid to advertise other books in my channel. I just really think that everyone must read this. (Im looking at you PixieDust360. Add it to your list.)
Anyways, its getting late. Im gonna go see if i can swipe any leftover desert. Buh bye! \(^.^)/

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