Chapter 4

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It was pitch black in the tunnel and it smelled like moldy cheese. Jessie was thinking about turning back but she also wanted to help the CIA. She looked behind her, it was pitch black. She looked in front of her, it was pitch black as well. To tell the truth, she had. no idea where she was. As she took her next step, she noticed a wet sensation on her toes. This sensation traveled from her toes, up to her waist. Now, she was wading in this mystery liquid. "Eeww," Jessie exclaimed at the dark liquid, "What is this?" right when she said that, a small light appeared at the end of the tunnel. Then, another one showed up next to it. At that moment, she realized that these weren't lights, they were dragon eyes! The black serpent slithered toward her and hissed in a low pitched tone. Jessie's hair stuck straight up on her head as her body turned white with pure horror. The dragon whipped its long, rough tail towards Jessie at 12o miles per hour. Jessie screamed a word that she would have been grounded for if her parents had been there. Then, right in the nick of time, she leaped over the dragon's lashing tail and landed with a somersault. Jessie just happened to glance in the direction of a box that said, If EMERGENCY, break glass. There was nothing to break it with so she jabbed her elbow through the glass and yelped, "HOLY COW!" Her elbow was bleeding uncontrollably and she needed help immediately. The dragon wound up its tail and threw it back at her. Only this time, the tail beat her in the stomach and she hit the wall with a crash. "Wait a minute," she said remembering the emergency box. She slowly pulled herself across the floor towards the box. Right when she was about to clutch the item inside, the dragon belched fire out at her and she screamed as it burned her leg, but she kept crawling. Finally, she reached the box and lifted out an iron axe. She flung the weapon at the creature with all her might and - crack - it split the dragon's head in half. She was shocked to realize that all this time, she was battling a robot. The dragon spun to keep its balance but it was no use, it didn't have enough springs and bolts to function, so it crashed down onto the slimy floor. "Oh, I see, the goo on the floor was dragon saliva....eeww!" Jessie said while nursing her bleeding elbow. She continued walking down the hall as she thought about the robot. What was a robot doing in her mansion?

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