Chapter 9

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Down, down, down she fell as fast as a torpedo. "Shouldn't I have reached the bottom by now?" Jessie asked her self as she plummeted into the pitch black air. Just as she said that, she landed head first on flat concrete and she was out cold.

"Uuuuhhhhhh," Jessie said confused, "Where am I?" She got up and looked around the room to find herself right in the middle of the Entertainers' lab. There were blood stains all over the floor and blue prints of a freeze ray. "Get 'er!" a man in a dark cloak said. "Jessie, run!" Her Mom said while the man held a knife by her throat. "M-m-mom?!" Jessie cried. The words 'Save yourself! I love you!!! ' were the last words Jessie heard from her dear mother....

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