Phantom and Sorceress!

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A/N: I apologize for the exposition dump!!

"Back! Get back!" Lena screamed, landing on the couch.

"You'll never take us alive!" Louie yeld at the tv.

"Let me guess. You started playing this video-graphical game," Scrooge started.

"Legends of Legend Quest," Huey informed him.

"And then, someone made a wish around Lena," Dewey raised his hand and Scrooge continued, "and the game became real."

The monster flew out of the tv and shot a laser beam at the couch. Scrooge grabbed the tea tray and flipped over the couch. He held up the reflective surface, and the monster essentially killed itself. It landed on the coffee table breaking it before pixelating and being sucked back into the tv.

"Uh, game over!" Dewey cheered.

"Boo!" Louie booed.

"Ugh. Magic is ruining my life," Lena groaned.

"We are adding video games to the list of things that trigger your magic," Violet said, writing it down.

"Everything triggers my stupid magic," Lena complained.

"You kids should know by now magic only rarely leads to anything good." I glared at him as I stood. "I said rarely, Love. You and Lena are the expectations."

"Hey, I know I'm great. It's magic that's the problem," Lena huffed.

"Agreed," I nodded.

"I'll drink too," a bolt of pink lightening shot from Lena changing the tea tray Scrooge was holding into a bat.

"Where's Webby?" Lena asked. "She usually has some kind of cheesy dumb advice that actually works."

They all looked at me. "Don't look at me! I have zero clue how I got here."

"You didn't time travel back?" Scrooge asked.

"No. Webby had the Time Turner. We were on this pirate ship, and her and the twins was fighting Black Heron, and me and you was fighting Bradford. He disappeared and I appeared here."

"You got into a fight with Bradford in the past?" Scrooge asked. "When? Where was I? Did you find out anything?"

"You don't," I stared at him, then I answered my own question. "The papyrus."

"Papyrus? Like The Papyrus of Binding from the Missing Mystery list?" Huey asked.

"The what now?" Louie asked.

"It is a mystical artifact. When written on the papyrus, anything you ask it for will become reality," Scrooge explained.

"Yea, we found it. Do you remember that?" I asked him.

"I remember finding the Papyrus and having to use it so Heron couldn't get her hands on it, but you weren't with us, Love."

"But I was. I don't," I paused. "It must've been what Bradford wrote."

"Which was?" he asked.

"That you would forget he was there."

"Why would I forget you too?"

"It must've been the way he wrote it." I hesitated. "Do you remember Webby being there?"

"Yes, she was there," he nodded and added, "I always thought that was strange."

I swallowed. What had he called it? A McDuck family adventure. That would mean she was really related to Scrooge. I couldn't ignore all the evidence staring me in the face. She held his dime without it burning her. Magica's spell only affected the family and Webby, which had been weird. Goldie had even assumed they were related. Now, Bradford asked the Papyrus for the McDucks' to have a family adventure. I wasn't a McDuck, but she was, so it made sense. Somehow, she was related to them.

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