Split Sword of Swanstantine!

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A/N: I would apologize for being late but at this point do y'all really expect much less of me! 🤣 Pls don't hate me. 👉🏼👈🏼 🥹 BIG THANKS TO @zentthefirst FOR ALL YOUR HELP!! ❤️

Beakley's voice echoed through the halls as I got ready for bed. She wasn't yelling. She was explaining to the girls why it was a poor decision to come with them, loudly. It only stopped when she took the girls home. I passed them in the hallway and Lena went to bolt toward me. Only the look on my face held her in place.

No one wanted Beakley to lose it on all of us.

When I returned to Scrooge's room it had been less than an hour, but he wasn't in there. I crawled up into my spot and tried to stay awake. My eyes slid shut, and I barely noticed the weight shift. He pulled me so close to him that I could barely breathe.

"I know you're awake, Love." For some reason, it felt threatening, so I didn't move. "We'll talk in the morning."

I thought I would never get to sleep because he didn't let go and proceeded to crush my ribs. Eventually, my consciousness gave way.

Scrooge was falling into a vast black pit. I wasn't scared, upset, or even trying to help. I was relieved and might've been the one to push him. Our family surrounded me. The kids were screaming at me to help him, but I just smirked.

I sat straight up. I watched Scrooge sleep. It was hard to breathe despite being free from his death grip. It was one of the rare times I had woken up before him, and the only time I had woken up because of a nightmare. He seemed pretty in the early morning light. That wasn't a word I would normally associate with him. I had been doing that more often. Words that shouldn't describe him did. It was funny. He was bolder; his temper was shorter, and he acted heartless. He acted like he was from the negaverse.

I shook my head. That had to be why I had that dream. Of course, I would be completely torn apart if I had to watch him die, but I wasn't. I was completely at ease, and that made me uneasy. I walked to my room and pulled out my ring.

I headed towards the kids' rooms and heard harsh whispers from Webby's bathroom. I pushed it open with no warning.

Violet and Webby were on the floor, surrounded by the hue of a purple glow stick. Webby was crying again. Violet moved over and I sat beside Webby.

"I don't know why she would do that," she said between sobs. I just wrapped an arm around her. "She just killed him."

"Who?" I whispered.

"My dad. Why would anyone want to hurt him?" she sobbed.

"Webby, it's just a bad dream," I mumbled.

She curled up in my arms. I could tell she had been crying for a while. Her breathing was heavy, and it didn't take long for her to fall asleep. Violet was yawning, too.

"Is Lena here too?" I asked. Violet nodded. "Where?"

"In Webbigail's bedroom," Violet yawned.

I picked her up, too. She looked grateful. I made my way to Webby's room and placed them on a pile of Webby stuffed animals. I went to head out when Lena slid down the ladder from Webby's bed to the main floor.

"The whole house heard Mrs. B send you home," I said, leaning on the doorframe.

"It was an emergency!" She spun.

"Shhh," I nodded to the sleeping girls. "I love Webby too, but her dreams are just bad dreams. They don't warrant pissing off Beakley. Besides, if she finds out, she'll be doubly pissed at me for not kicking you out."

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