Temple of Tobruk!

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A/N: Most of my facts came from this website. https://everything-everywhere.com/the-cult-of-pythagoras/

We appeared in a shaking building. Several men dressed as soldiers pulled their guns. Some of them lowered their guns when they noticed Webby, but not all of them. I was beyond mad. I didn't care about the guns. I turned to Webby, who was hugging Finch's journal.

"What were you thinking, Webbigail? This thing is unpredictable! You know what charging in head first can mean better than most!" I shouted. I knew better but this was about her safety.

"Charging in head first is kind of this family's forte," Webby said bluntly.

Now she wasn't even considering her own safety. The men watched us as a bomb shook the building. Someone fired a shot, probably on accident. My head spun. The bullet spiraled toward us and I screamed. I wanted everything to stop, and it did. The building stopped shaking; the bullet fell out of the air; the men stopped yelling; Webby hit the ground; so did I.

I woke up on a small cot in a tan tent. Several rows of empty cots covered in mysterious stains sprawled across the room. A couple of cots in the far corner had men that looked worse for wear. Webby was to my left. A nurse in a white uniform leaned over her. The woman was about to insert an IV and I grabbed her hand. The entire room spun, and I nearly threw up, but I held it together for Webby.

"What is that?" I snapped.

"Calmez vous madame. Tu es en sécurité." She looked stunned. Her uniform had a French flag on it below a Red Cross.

"English?" I asked.

"No English," she managed, shaking her head. "French."

"No French," I sighed.

I sat on Webby's bed. She clutched Finch's journal in one hand and Time Turner in the other. The woman held up the IV again.

"Puis-je?" she asked.

I shook my head. She looked upset.

Someone busted in from the entrance and I jumped. I was relieved when I registered it was Scrooge. He wasn't in a military uniform like the other men. He was wearing a vest that I assumed was bulletproof, cargo pants, and military-grade black boots.

"Je vais les gérer," he said.

The woman cringed, probably at his accent and butchering whatever he just said.

"Bonne chance." She nodded and walked to the other men.

Scrooge turned to me. "Love, what's going on?"

"Webbigail decided to take an impromptu time travel trip, in the middle of a family crisis. Now she's hurt, we're stuck, and I don't have my bag. I'm not in the mood to handle any more bull shit today!" I took a deep breath. He looked shocked. "When are we?"

"1942 front lines. A key port city called Tobruk." He keep it short and go the point.

"Of course." I mumbled a curse.

Scrooge said nothing but scooped Webby up. He motioned for me to follow him. Every step on the dirt road felt like gravel bounced around my head like a maraca. The mud wasn't better. The sound of my shoe squishing and popping made my ear feel like bleeding. I turned to my thoughts to distract myself from the physical pain.

I tried collecting myself. Thoughts of the future here would more than likely get me or Webby killed. I pushed the thoughts of Finch, May, and June out of my head. Though my mounting anger at Scrooge's decision was still there. I had to grit through it. Besides, this version of him hadn't chosen to kill his daughters. No, this version of him was carrying an unconscious girl he hardly knew through an active war zone.

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