Hero Meeting

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3rd person POV

"So why are we here?" asked Aizawa froma corner of the dimly lit room. All Might spoke up first, "Her name is Y/n L/n. Heres her file." He tosses a portfolio full of papers on the table in front of him.

Name-Y/n L/n
Height-170.18 centemeter
Age-Unknown (estimated 17)
code name-Sharp Shooter
Wanted in- Japan, America, Russia, Germany, Mexico, China, Indonesia, and Veitnam

"So you don't know much?", Muriko piped in. The group of pro heros around the room consisted of, Hawks, Eraser head, All Might, Present Mic, Snipe, Muriko, and The Big Three. "You mean to tell us a girl OUR age is wanted in 8 different countries!?" All Might turns to Mirio, "Yes. She has assasinated over 80 people in her life." The heros look at eachother in shock, "I want you guys to find her and bring her into our custody for the new U.A rehabilitation class." All might continued, "With your help she will be rehabilated to become a hero instead of a villian."

2 Weeks later

Y/n is perched on a building in Masufastu, Japan, Waiting for her target. Kino Hishiro, kidnapped two teenage girls and their boyfriends, tormented, and murdered them. He was sentenced two years in a low security prison. Today is the day he gets released from his cage. Y/n scopes in on her target as he escorted by two gueards out the door. Y/n puts her finger up to the trigger ready to pull when all of a sudden the building she is sitting on is filled with heros. "Sharp Shooter freeze!" A blonde hero shout. "I don't think I will." She replies still on her stomach, she pulls the trigger as the blonde hero rushes off the building and pushes Hishiro out of the way of the bullet. Y/n doesn't even blink before rearranging the rifle and firing again hitting Hiroshi square between the eyes. The man crumpled in the blonde heros arms.

The girl stood up and sung the rifle over her shoulder and started walking away. Before being pushed into the wall by a winged hero. "You aren't even sorry for what you did?!" She shoved the heros shoulder back and kept walking, "No I don't feel bad, or remorseful, or bad for what I did. He had it coming." Y/n looked over to see a tired man with glowing eyes and floating hair, slightly confused. "WE HAVE A SNIPE AIMED AT YOU IF YOU TRY TO ESCAPE!" A skinny man with long blonde hair yelled. "Then pull the fucking trigger." Y/n smirked and kept walking to the fire ascape. SHe heard a small click and felt pain in her leg "Ugh" She looked down to see blood pooling around her black jeans, "Fuck you heros." was the last thing she said before her world turned black.

Y/n woke up being almost blinded by a bright hospital light. She sits up and tries to rub her eyes but her hands stop. She looks down to see her hands in cuffs. "Oh kinky." Y/n looks up to see the winged hero, "Отвали от птичьего мозга." The man looked at y/n confused, "I'm sorry?" "Oh you should be." Y/n spat.

"Well I'm Hawks." "Don't fucking care at the moment bird brain. I just want to leave so be a doll and uncuff. Please." Y/n shook her wrist and Hawks smiled, "No can do kid we have questions." Y/n cocked her head to the side, " And I have answers that you need. So I advise you uncuff me before I figure it out myself."

"Uncuff her she's not going to be able to escape. I'm Shota Aizawa or Eraserhead." Hawks pulls a key out of his pocket and and unlocks the handcuffs. "I'm Y/n L/n but it looks like you knew that already." Aizawa nods his head, "We want you to be a test subject for a new system at U.A highschool." Y/n looked around the room at the heros, "A test subject? Do I look like a fucking rat to you?" All Might stepped into the conversation before it got more heated. "It is a villian rehabilitation system. It will make you hero and better person."

Y/n stood up and pushed All Might into the wall, "I Am a good person and I am Not a villian. You hear me?" Y/n is pulled back away from the number one hero by Muriko. Y/n turns and see's Nejire, Tamaki, and Mirio. She smiles, "You're the big three correct?" She steps closer to the three and Mirio steps infront of his two friends. "Yes we are." "Chill blondie I'm not gonna do anything to you guys." Y/n turns around and walks back to the bed before plopping onto it. "So what is this program?"

Present Mic steps forward, "Well it starts in a month when school starts. You will attend class 1-A, which is taught by my friend Eraser here." Y/n needed to weigh her options. "And if I don't go?" The heros all looked at each other. "It's prison time girly." Muriko stepped forward, "If you don't go you will be prosecuted with all of your assasin charges." Y/n looked up to the rabbit woman. "What were the other thing's you needed to know?" Y/n attempted to change the subject.

"We need to know more about you for your profile." Snipe stepped forward with a portfolio, the same one with all of Y/n's information. "Well what do you want to know. I have nothing to hide." Y/n put her hands in her lap before snipe answered, "Everything about you." he slid the portfolio to Y/n to fill in her information.

Name-Y/n L/n
Height-170.18 centemeter
Weight-154 pounds
code name-Sharp Shooter
Wanted in- Japan, America, Russia, Germany, Mexico, China, Indonesia, and Veitnam

Y/n handed Snipe back his portfolio. He looks it over, "Why did you kill all of those innocent people?" Y/n looks over to the person who asked. It was Nejire. "Is that what the reports say? Innocent people? The people I kill are not innocent, that's ehy I kill them." Nejire walked closer to Y/n, "What about the man today? What did he do?" Y/n stared into Nejire's eyes. "Two years, 3 months, 5 days, 14 hours ago he kidnapped four teenagers. He tormented them and murdered them for pure entertainment." Nejire's eyes widen, "He ended those innocent people's lives becuse he could. He didn't get what he deserved. So I gave it to him." Y/n finished.

"H-h-haven't you h-h-heard of m-m-mercy?" Y/n turns to the purple haired boy and walk up to him and staring into his eyes, "He didn't show Miya, Koy, Leto, or Beau mercy. So he didn't get mercy."

"I'll be your little lab rat if it gets me free." Y/n turned to the heros, "If I can have a place to live." Aizawa steps forward "That has already been decided that you will live with me until the end og the program." Y/n nods her head,"Lets get out of here, it reaks of bleach."

Y/n stands and goes to her belonging's bag in the corner of the room. She takes her clothes out and notices her guns are still there. "You know for a supposed "villian" I didn't think you would leave my guns in there." She turns and smiles at the heros. "Well they are yours."

"Hey Y/n?" "hm?" "Who is Miya, Koy, Leto, and Beau?" Y/n looks at Mirio, "Those are the four teenagers Hishiro kidnapped, totured, and killed."

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