A class or a team?

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When Monday finally rolled around, Mirdoriya noticed Y/n seemed to be on edge. She had dark circles under her eyes and was constantly looking behind her, as if she thought someone was followig her.

"Hey, you okay Y/n?"

Y/n turned to Izuku and smiled rubbing her eyes, "I'm good just tired, why do I not look okay?"

Y/n looked down around herself looking for signs of her exhaustion, "N-no not at all you just seem like you're spacing out that's all."

They walked up to the gates of U.A seeing a few familiar students while Midoriya waved. Y/n felt inside her pockets for her student I.D but couldn't find it.

"Izuku can you use your card I can't find mine?"

Midoriya quickly swiped his card as the two walked into the gates. After wlaking a few feet Midoriya saw a smile grace Y/n's features. She leaned over to Midoriya, "Watch this."

Y/n wolf whistled to a person in a skirt, "Damn Mami nice ass, I'd tap that."

The person spun quickly and turned to Y/n face full of rage, Midoriya put his hands up to defend Y/n but realized who it was. Y/n had just cat called Glitch, while he was wearig a skirt.

Glitch held up a finger and started laughing, "You my friend look like shit."

Y/n gave a sarcastic smile and pushed Glitch's head away a bit, "Yea shut the fuck up."

Midoriya smiled at the interaction and waved to Glitch with a smile, "Hey whats up."

"Hey Midoriya." Glitch waved back with a smile.

Y/n rubbed the back of her neck turning back to Izuku, "Hey I gotta talk to Glitch about something private, but I'll see you in a minute."

Izuku's face dropped a bit, "Oh uh yea sure see you soon."

He turned away disappointed. He thought the two of them had gotten closer to where they could tell eachother personal things. They went on dates, she brought him to her family home, he brought her to his house, she met his mom, and most importantly they had shared a kiss. Yet he she wouldn't talk to him about "Private" things? He felt a tear drip from his eye in pure frustration.

He walked into the classroom and looked out the window, seeing Glitch and Y/n looking to make sure no one was around. Izuku looked around to make sure nobody was paying attention to him. He opened the window slightly, listening to the conversation.

Y/n turned to make sure no one was listening before turning to her brunette friend, "He's doing it again."


"Hinu, he's fucking with my head again, my dreams, thought, I hear his voice all the fucking time." She started speaking faster as Glitch put a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you sure it's actually him-"

"Not only that, he left this on my door step." She pulled out a note with a black rose pinned to it.

Y/n dear I thought we cam to an agreement, you stayed away so did I. Now you have a new little friend, small little green boy. I thought I trained you better in our short time. If you're not careful both you and your friend might get a little bit of extra training.  I hope you got my messages while you sleep, you did always look so peaceful sleeping Y/n. I hoped i could be a father figure for you but no matter what I did you were so ungreatful.

Glitch ripped the note and made it glitch out so it disappeared in the air. "You know what, fuck him Y/n, he just wants to get to you."

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