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(image above is what Y/n is wearing)
(Tw alchohol)

Deku, Todoroki, and Uraraka all watched from across the street as Y/n walked into a club. Iida had to go home to do homework while the other three were more interested in the current event with Y/n.

"How is she getting in a bar?!" The greenette looked to his friends.

"She's not, this is a club Midoriya."

"Same thing Todoroki."

The three sat in silence as Y/n finally walked completley into the large building, the three walked quickly to the other side of the street. They tried peeking through the window of the club but it wasn't big enough for all of them to see through.

"Hey Deku did you bring your phone?"

Midoriya turned to the brunette and took his phone out of his pocket, "Yeah why?"

"I have an idea."

Uraraka quickly opened the camera app on his phone and put it toward the small window.

"Now we can watch." She said with a smile.

After Y/n entered the club she made her way to the bar carefully watching her target. The man she was watching is Shiju Nezing, he's a friend to Hinu. Sadly he had brought a woman with him to the club making this job slightly more difficult.

Y/n leaned her back onto the bar holding herself up with her elbows.

"Nice to see you darling."

"Hello Rico."

The bartender slid Y/n a small glass of caramel brown liquid. She looked into the glass and swirled it slightly before knocking back the glass of whiskey.

"That's low quality Rico I thought I taught you better."

Y/n and the man both chuckled as Y/n saw the woman leave Shiju's table. She stood up and casually walked over to the table where her target sat.

"Hello Mr.Shiju." She said in a polite voice.

"I'm sorry do I know you?"

"I don't think so, my name is Sharp Shooter. You may of heard of me?"

The mans eyes widen slightly before he smiles, "Ah come to use some of my services yes?"

"Not exactly. I got word that you're close to Hinu?"

"No dear I don't believe I am."

Y/n's hand slid toward the pistol that was on her hip, "We can do this easily and you tell me the answers I need, or we can have fun with it. One hundred percent up to you."

"I'm not telling you shit dear, so you might want to leave while you can."

Y/n stood up and looked at the almost empty club. She pulled a small white cloth from her pocket and started wrapping it around her fist.

"You know rings usually collect small amounts of DNA under the chopped pieces after hitting an object?"

The older man looked at the girls back confused, "The hell?"

Y/n turned around a punched Shiju in the face, the force of the rings on her fingers leaving bruises and knocking the man slightly backwards.

"That's why if someone doesn't want to get caught, they tend to wear gloves or the cloth."

Y/n said as she started unwrapping her hand.

"Luckily for you," Y/n punched Shiju again this time making him fall to the floor, "I don't give a fuck."

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