On a day like today...

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Matt had collected Alex from his house and saw the stressed look on his face. He knew this situation with Juliet would make anyone look stressed but with Alex insisting only one ticket was booked and with the way his slammed his front door closed despite the early hours of the morning; indicated there was something up with him and Taylor- but he wasn't surprised. The lads had witnessed quite a few blow ups recently and it was almost a certainty that something like this would happen. He decided not to say anything to upset him further, figuring  him going 'off on one ' wasn't what anyone needed right; especially being on a plane with only crew, Alex, Breanna, their baby girl Amelia and himself.

"We've got a private jet, Domino organised it for us, knew we'd want to get to London as quick as we can. Bre phoned them in London this morning", Matt offered up.

"Thanks love" Alex turned to see Breanna in the back of the car with a sleeping Amelia and tried a smile but it was so strained it came out more as a grimace.

Breanna nodded and added, "we all want to get to her as soon as we can, I just wanted to see if they could help in anyway. You doing ok Al?"

"Thanks again, me heads a mess, don't think I could've booked any flights or nuffin. I just can't understand why... wh..who would do this, you know?"

Alex looked more broken at that moment than his friends had ever seen him in the past, and that was saying something, considering the number of years they'd all known each other and all they'd been through together.

While various people were getting on planes to travel to London, Juliet was being taken back down to theatre due to more internal bleeding. The doctor in ICU had explained that they thought it was due to potential damage to Juliet's liver but they needed to get in ASAP to locate the bleeding.


Before Alex, Matt, and Breanna knew it, they were sitting on the plane getting settled after take off. Amelia had woken up but was quite grumpy considering the crazy hour she'd been first woken up. Matt suggested that Bre take her to the cabin room at the back of the plane to try and get some rest. Once up in the air, the a flight attendant showed Bre all the controls for the lighting, tv etc and left them to get some rest. Matt had decided to stay up with Alex, figuring he'd need him by his side right now.

He was right but hadn't figured how his emotions, never mind Alex's would fare on the journey.

Matt just returned to his seat after checking his wife and daughter were setting ok. He saw that Alex was trying to get the news on the tv. Just as Alex was about to throw the remote in frustration bbc news came on. They sat to see if any updates were available on Juliet, it wasn't unusual for news channels to have information before the people involved did; always a leak somewhere! Then :

"New information has come forward on the attempted murder of Juliet Street, the British music producer. A dog walker about 2 hours ago, the police have informed us that they had been contacted after their dog found a large blooded kitchen knife.

The police say they are waiting for forensics to confirm but they believe this is the weapon involved in the knife attack of Ms Street this morning. They say it was obviously thrown away into bushes on Hampstead Heath in a hurry. It appears to have been a very targeted incident but they have no further leads as yet, to the identity or motive for the attack but continues to appeal to the public for any information to come forward.

We have been informed by a source close to Juliet Street that she has been taken back into surgery due to unexpected internal bleeding. They say that Ms Street's condition remains unstable with life threatening injuries. "

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