Chapter 7: The Green Note

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"Binnie, where are you taking me?" Ye Jin asked for the umpteenth time.

"You'll find out soon, Jinnie. We're almost there." Hyun Bin grinned cheekily at his girlfriend's impatience.

Ye Jin pouted slightly but Hyun Bin wiped that pout right off her face when he interlocked their hands together. With that, all was quiet again as the new couple basked in the cool morning mist.

Minutes later, they arrived at the spot Hyun Bin picked for their first official date.

With the sun-kissed sand radiating a beautiful gentle gold, and the waves of blue waters hitting the shore, smoothening and darkening the sand, the beach naturally gave off waves of therapeutic peacefulness. 

The beach stretched on for miles with its light grey walk paths and road paths for those who were up for a jog or some cycling.

Already, there were a few early risers jogging along the beach and some groups of friends chattering away as they cycled down the paths. The occasional sounds of bicycle bells ringing filled the otherwise silent air as Hyun Bin led them over to a humble store in the corner.

Ye Jin took once glance at the store and realised why Hyun Bin brought them there instantly. "Omo, we're going to cycle?"

"You said so yourself. You wanted to learn. I can't believe we've never gone cycling together before." Hyun Bin shook his head in amusement.

"You actually read it?" Ye Jin raised her eyebrows suspiciously at her boyfriend.

"Only one, I promise. It just happened to give me the idea for our first date." Hyun Bin smiled.

This brings us back to what Hyun Bin read in that green note the previous night. I can't cycle but I want to learn how to. And that was exactly what they were going to do that morning.

The couple was in for a day of screaming and near-crash experiences – fingers crossed that no injuries would be involved.

With that, Hyun Bin paid for their bicycle rentals and they were off.

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Minutes later

"Wait, I can't..." Ye Jin was struggling to even balance on the bicycle to get herself moving down the empty path.

"You've got to find the momentum. Keep your bicycle straight and pedal." Hyun Bin tried his best to support Ye Jin so that she wouldn't fall.

"Okay, wait I think...Omo! I'm doing it!" Ye Jin cheered when the bicycle finally started moving.

"Don't stop pedaling!" Hyun Bin shouted after her as he quickly slung his legs over the bicycle and started pedaling after her.

"Wait, Binnie! How do I control this thing?" Ye Jin shouted.

"Grab the brakes!" Hyun Bin pedaled faster when Ye Jin started to lose control of her bicycle.

"Binnie! Ahhhh!" Ye Jin screamed when she was about to hit the tree.

At the last minute, she swerved, sending her rolling across the grassy patch. Her bicycle landed with a crash near her but thankfully remained intact.

"Jinnie!" Hyun Bin quickly got off his bicycle when she fell.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Hyun Bin quickly grabbed her hands and started checking her over for any injuries.

He knew it was part of the learning process, but he didn't like that Ye Jin fell. He felt like a terrible teacher and boyfriend.

"I'm fine, Binnie." Ye Jin said with a small pout.

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