Missing Friend, Finding Answers

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A few days have passed since the incident at Nationals. Valt was now missing. No trace of him anywhere.

Chiharu was trying to keep it together. Toko and Nika trying to comfort their mother as best as they could. The Bey Club was at a lost, including the other teams and the WBBA as well. No one knew what happened nor how to solve it. All they knew was that Valt disappeared with no lead as to where he was.

The Bladers insisted on helping with the investigation so they could save their friend, but were turned down understandably; the police and WBBA didn't want any of them to get lost or hurt. But that didn't stop the gang from trying to find Valt. They just needed to figure out what the hell was going.

The Bey club and other teams decided to meet in one of the rooms in the hotel where they were staying. Kristina negotiated with the hotel's manager to use their rooms to stay in and discuss the current predicament.

"I still can't fathom what happened that day." Ken said. "That name, 'Gillusion'. I never heard of it before."

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Silas asked. "Choosing Valt to be its host...? Sounds like we're dealing with some kind of demon... and I do not like the sound of that."

"Me neither..." Shu mumbled.

Silas looked over at the albino sympathetically. He may of only known him from the few talks from Valt and Rantaro, and from the past couple of days, but one thing's for sure was that Shu had been through hell and just came back from it. On top of losing his friend right afterwards, from some kinda dark evil spirit thing, he really was not having it at the moment.

"Well whatever it is, we'll save Valt no matter what." Cuza got up from him seat.

"Caw, save Valt - save Valt, caw!" Carl flapped his wings.

"Yeah, if we were able to save Shu, we can save Valt as well!" Rantaro shouted.

"That's great and all but we still have no idea where he is. Not to mention what we're dealing with here." Boa commented.

"Yeah. We have no idea what this 'Gillusion' is. Even with our guesses that it could very well be some kind of 'evil spirit', we have no idea as to why it taken Valt, other than making him his 'host.' The rest of its plans are still left vague. There's not really much to go on here." Daigo added.

"I hate this..." Shu whimpered, wrapping his arms around himself. "These implications... why did this have to happen...?"

Xander walked over to his best friend, cradling him in his arms. This was the worst time for something like this to happen. The thought of Valt going through something similar...

Needless to say, it was not Shu's day.

"Breathe Shu, breathe." Xander whispered, rubbing Shu's back in an attempt to calm him down. "We're all here for ya man."

"Hey, Ataru. Found anything on 'Gillusion' yet?" Wakiya asked.

Ataru shook his head.

"Sorry Wakiya, nothing showed up when I searched up the name. There's nothing on here as to what this thing is. Other than the recent news about the situation, there's absolutely nothing about it. As if this thing never existed till now."

Welp, that was reassuring.

"A simple 'no' would've been fine!" Wakiya whisper shouted. Gesturing his hands to the others in the room.

"S-Sorry..." Ataru said as he hid behind his tablet.

Wakiya sighed, reassuring the red head by patting him on his shoulder. He was just trying to help. Wakiya was just as stressed with the situation like the rest of everyone else.

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