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"You're sure you can handle this Zachary?" The older boy asked, concerned. Stopping the polishing of his Bey collection, following the blonde.

"Of course I can Earl! One of my dear friend's has been kidnapped and is in trouble from some kind of evil Bit-Beast! It's up to us to help come and save him!" Zac emphasized. "We already have a lead thanks to Minamo so we have to hurry before something else happens!"

Earl sighed in annoyance. He watched as he saw his little brother getting ready to leave out the door, bag in hand. There was no stopping him.

"Just please be careful, alright? I don't want you getting hurt." Earl said walking to him, placing his hand on Zac's shoulder.

"I know Earl," Zac smiled. "But that kinda comes with the territory considering the circumstances..." He turned to see his older brother's not so pleased face. "Oh don't give me that look, you know what I'm capable of! And besides, with me and Galaxy Zeutron," He said as pulled out his Bey. "We'll be able to save Valt and vanquished that evil beast. Afterall, they can't escape the Sun's ray."

Earl couldn't help but chuckle at his brother's enthusiasm.

"Yeah, you're right, no one can escape you and Zeutron."

"Indeed." Zeutron twinkled alongside him in response, putting him away.

The two brothers exchanged their goodbyes to one another as Zac made his way out to meet up with Orochi, Akira, Naoki and Jin at the airport.

"I wish you and your friends the best of luck!"

"Thank you Earl! I'll be back home as soon as possible!"

Just you wait Twinkle Toes. We're coming to save you!


Naoki and Jin were currently sitting in one section of the waiting hall for their flight. The two waking up early to grab the essentials needed for the journey ahead and so they'll be on time for their flight. The mad scientist checking and organizing his equipment while Jin was, somewhat, dozing off in his seat. 

"Heya guys!" The two boys looked up from their seats to see Akira and Orochi coming over to them, bags in hand.

"Hey." Jin said lazily.

"Where's Zac?" Naoki questioned as the other two walked up.

"Zac said he'll be on his way. Got hold up a bit thanks to his brother but that's about it." Akira explained.

Jin raised a brow.

"Zac has a brother?" He asked; this was the first time he heard of such. Same for Naoki.

Orochi nodded.

"Yup. Has an older brother named Earl. He's a Bey collector, always on the search for rare Bey parts and the like." He explains.

"How odd. We've never heard of him till just now." Naoki pondered. It's true. Not once did he heard anything of Zac having any siblings whatsoever.

"He kinda likes to keep to himself, y'know? Pretty reserved and such. Zac doesn't really talk much about him due to not wanting to spread unwanted attention towards his family."

"Makes sense. With a career such as being an idol, it comes with its downfalls from its upbringings."

"He's also the whole reason why Zac got into Blading to begin with!" Akira chimed with excitement. "He was an amazing Blader from what I've heard. Pretty strong too, even stronger than Zac!"

"Say, about Beyblade, found anymore info about that Dark Bit-beast Minamo?"

Naoki shook his head.

"Unfortunately my research has remained to be troubling. We know about Dark Resonance and its side effects but I would need to do some closer inspection with the spirit to understand the greater picture."

"That's insane! You can't just risk yourself like that. The same thing might happen to you!" Akira baffled.

"I just need to get closer look to gather enough data. With that I can deduce a way to stop it and figure out a way to bring it down with a plan."

"We better find that out soon then. Who knows what's in store when we get there."

"As long as we have our Blades we should be fine. Our Bit-beast our the key to this. I just know it."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out Naoki." Jin reassured him with a smile.

"I hope I do too Jin." He muttered to himself. I have to.


As he watched his brother leave the mansion, Earl then walked over to his wardrobe to change.

"Sorry dear brother, but I can't let you go off. Not without me. Us."

He was now garnered in black, wearing a black vest, trousers, a cape and brim hat with a blue feather holding a cane. Removing his glasses and instead putting on his half mask.

In his hands was his Bey: Eclipse.

"So, evil is hurting my dear brother's friend hmm? Heh, well, wait until they get a load us, right mon ami?" Eclipse twinkled. "No one messes with my Sunrise. Or anyone else for that matter! Soon they'll see not to mess with me: Count Nightfell!"

 Or anyone else for that matter! Soon they'll see not to mess with me: Count Nightfell!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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