Descending to Darkness

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Valt awoke to find himself in a void full of darkness. He pulled himself together, off of the ground(?) and wandered around the dark space. Wondering how he even got here. Where is here anyways? He thought as he tried to retrace his memories.

All that he could remember was his friends calling his name as his vision and hearing started to fade. A figure of a horse came to mind along with a voice he never heard. Yet why did it sound so familiar? He continued to walk around the weird void, in the hopes to find some answers.

Where there hell was he? Did that Dark Stallion bring him here? If so, where was here? So many questions stirred in his mind as he endlessly walked with nothing in front of sight. No figures of life but himself.

"Helloooo? Anyone home?" He called out, in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, someone could hear him. "Shu? Honcho? Free? Anyone?!" His voice only echoed through the emptiness.

No answer. Eh, it was worth a sho-



They were faint, but Valt could hear... something. Whispers in the dark, as he hesitantly treaded further towards the voices. He wanted to run away and yet something was pulling him closer in, despite his mind screaming no. His heart racing as whispers became a bit louder...

He jumped as felt a slight breeze graze his arm. Laughter soon following.

"W-who's there!?" His voice strained. The voices kept getting louder and louder, surrounding him. Valt tried to stand tall, running as fast as he could to escape them, but he was soon pushed down by a wave of noise. Covering his ears as he tried to muffle the voices attacking him. Tears started to form as the voices continued to swarm him. His head aching. Agony breaching inside.

He continued to run through it. The pain overbearing - he could've sworn he was seeing things. A figure out of the corner of his eyes reaching out to him. His breaths getting heavier, sweat and fear building as he felt something on his arm, grabbing him. He tried to shake it off but it was no use.

"N-no! Stay away from me!" Valt tried to punch the figure but all he felt was air. He felt cold hands grip onto his neck, getting tighter and tighter with every second. "L-l..l...let....!"

The force on his neck got stronger making it harder for him to breathe. It was not long before his vision faded to black.

"N-no ...o..oo..."


He awoke to find himself in a memory. A recent memory in fact, that he wished he could just move on from. Memories of that day soon became much clearer, as his vision started to adjust from waking up to whatever this is.

He watched as he saw himself before him. His best friend walking away from him. His past self crying out Shu's name, yet he didn't respond. No matter how much he begged for him to answer, there was no reply.

He felt a strange feeling in his heart...

"Remember this Valt?" A voice asked.

He nodded his head. Focusing on the memory, as he watched his past self getting push away.


"He betrayed you. Deceived you. He gave you and your friends up. And yet, you forgave him. Why?"

Valt turned around to find the source of the voice. He stared at the dark stallion and answered. Narrowing his eyes at his kidnapper, standing defiantly at it.

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