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~ Five years later ~

"Come on!" Jasmine squealed loudly, pulling me towards the bar stools.

My feet already ached, the heels I'd chosen a horrible decision for a night out, but the heated look I'd received from both Liam and Miles had made it so worth it. I shuddered at the memory, my thighs clamped together under the bar top as the bartender made his way over.

"Hi ladies, what can I get started for you?"

As he walked away to make our drinks, Jasmine leaned in and whispered lowly to me. "Do you think he's on the menu?"

I choked on the breath I'd just taken. "You've hung out with Jenna and Bailey too much."

She shrugged, glancing seductively at the man when he bent down to get ice. "I'm twenty-one now. Might as well have some fun."

I laughed to myself and shook my head, unable to find fault in her logic, but also unsure that I was ready to let her go from under my wing.

I cleared my throat, getting her attention. "Jas, I have to talk to you about something."

"Uh oh. That sounds serious and I don't like it."

I smiled softly, forcing my emotions to stop from taking over. "As you know, we've been talking about opening a hotel here in Los Angeles." She nodded warily. "I'd like you to manage it."

"What! But-"

"You've been busting your ass as my assistant and I know you can do this. You've wanted to move out here and now you can."

"Avery, I... I can't leave you. You're like my big sister. Like... like the mom I always wished for."

Well fuck.

The tears I'd forced back sprung to my eyes immediately and I leaned over and pulled her into a tight hug, crying softly.

"Oh god, honey no. Who are you crying over? Need me to beat them up?"

I sniffled, turning to see the owner of the new voice. My gaze was suddenly met with tanned skin and long, thick dark brown hair pulled into a high ponytail. Dressed in leather pants, a tight black tank top, and maroon leather jacket, the woman made me feel like a slump in my own outfit.

"Your drinks, ladies." The bartender appeared with our cocktails and I reached for mine, but the woman to my right leaned forward, strumming her dark red fingernails on the bar top.

"Hey, Eli. My friends and I would love some shots. Whatcha want, ladies? Something fruity? Or strong?"

"Oh, I like her. Fruity for me!" Jasmine piped up, excited with the fun turn the night had made.

I wiped the tear streaks from my cheeks and took a deep breath. "Let's go fruity."

The woman smirked mischievously, nodding to the bartender. "Alright, E. Let's go with six lick my pussy shots! Actually-" she glanced back at me for a second, then turned back. "-make it nine."

She extended her hand to shake mine, the bottom of a dark tattoo peaking out from her jacket sleeve.

"I'm Daniella."

"Avery, and this is Jasmine. Nice to meet you."

"What kind of shot did you order?" Jasmine stared wide eyed, leaning up on her stool to watch the bartender make the drinks.

The stranger in front of me laughed, glancing back at me. "So... who made you cry? Because whoever it was, they aren't worth it, beautiful."

We downed our shots and made our way to the dance floor, laughing and moving to the loud music pumping through the club.

"Well, well, well. We leave you for a few hours and this is how we find you? You're sexy when you let go, you know that?" Miles' voice at my ear vibrated through my alcohol-heated body.

I spun and lifted my arms behind his neck, grinding against him to the beat.

"Very sexy." Liam's voice appeared behind me and I heard Daniella groan.

"Hawkins? Miles Rhett? What the fuck?"

I spun back to her, curious as to how she knew them both.

"Oh fuck. This is Avery? Wait... which one of you fuckers made her cry?" She began shrugging out of her jacket and I couldn't help but laugh, loving that she was so ready to take on two FBI agents for a woman she'd just met.

"Dani? What kind of trouble have you gotten into now?"

Wait, what the fuck am I missing?

Reading my confusion, Miles explained to me that she had been the lead suspect in the case they'd worked on five years before, though they'd only just gathered it was her. She was good, smart. Smarter than the FBI could keep up with.

She glowered at Liam, a mocking smile curving on her lips before her eyes shifted over to an older man in an expensive suit. She winked at me and I couldn't help but follow her as she made her way to him.

Taking a few clumsy steps, she 'accidentally' knocked into him, spilling his drink down the front of his perfectly tailored suit.

"What the fuck!"

"Mi dispiace tanto!" (I'm so sorry!)

"Whatever. Just get away from me. Fucking foreigners." The man growled, pushing her away from him, knocking her into the waitress at her side.

That mother f-

"Let's go. We already got what we needed." Dani grabbed my arm, dragging me away from the putrid man, an evil twinkle in her green eyes.

"No, that was fucking rude! We can't let him get away with that, what are you talking-"

"Trust me, Avery. We got what we needed." She tapped the ear piece in her ear, scrunching her nose and whispering that she'd placed a mic on him.

Who is this chick?

"Don't worry, Aves. I know a thing or two about corrupt, racist businessmen like that."

"Dani, wanna tell me what the fuck you were just doing around Albert Bancroft? Are you trying to get yourself thrown in jail?"

"Hm? Why would I be thrown in jail, Hawkins? I didn't do anything wrong!"

I laughed at her innocent act and leaned my shoulder against Jasmine's, watching as she sassed the scowling man that I loved. Miles tried to break them up to no avail, eventually giving up and turning back to me.

"Dance with me?" His hands settled on my hips easily and we swayed together, Liam joining us minutes later, his lips dancing on the crook of my neck.

"I love you, troublemaker," Miles whispered softly, lifting his finger to my chin.

"I love you, Aves." Liam's hands skimmed over my body, shuddering in response as I pressed back tighter against him.

"God, I love you both." I breathed out the words, completely giving in to the unrelenting desire I had for them.

Dancing to the music, I let the beat have me as the two men that owned my heart held me, fitting perfectly between them.


Thank you so much for reading Dominate Me! I hope you liked their story as much as I did!

Feel free to follow me on Instagram for any updates on new stories! @junemitchell_author

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